Link abgelaufen ?
Beiträge von Isyan
2013 - 2016 Waren die Beste SA-MP Zeiten, wo man sich gefreut hat nach der schule direkt zu spielen mit seinem Jungs.
Jetzt haben wir 2022 wenn man so an die Vergangenheit zurück blick schon traurig.
Hab auch jahrelang GTA V Roleplay Server gespielt auch Erfahrungen sammeln können.
Mann wird immer älter und älter die Lust vergeht die aktuelle GTA Community ist auch nicht mehr so wie es mal vor 6 Jahren war.
Also ernsthaft dein erster Server?
sampcac_server raus nehmen dann sollte es nicht mehr gehenne werde kein server machen, wollte nur das script mal testen
Alles anzeigen---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [17:58:18] password = "" (string) [17:58:18] [17:58:18] Server Plugins [17:58:18] -------------- [17:58:18] Loading plugin: mysql [17:58:18] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded. [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loading plugin: streamer [17:58:18] *** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded *** [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loading plugin: sscanf [17:58:18] [17:58:18] =============================== [17:58:18] sscanf plugin loaded. [17:58:18] Version: 2.8.2 [17:58:18] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [17:58:18] =============================== [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loading plugin: filemanager [17:58:18] ****************** [17:58:18] ** FILE MANAGER ** [17:58:18] ** Loaded ** [17:58:18] ** Version 1.5 ** [17:58:18] ****************** [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loading plugin: SAMPSON [17:58:18] ============== SAMPSON v0.1.1 by King_Hual loaded ============== [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loading plugin: timerfix [17:58:18] >> TimerFix v1.5 successfully loaded. [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loading plugin: pawn-memory [17:58:18] ======================== [17:58:18] = Memory access plugin = [17:58:18] = Made by BigETI = [17:58:18] = Loaded! = [17:58:18] ======================== [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loading plugin: SKY [17:58:18] [17:58:18] =============================== [17:58:18] [17:58:18] < SKY - 2.3.0 > [17:58:18] [17:58:18] (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers [17:58:18] (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman [17:58:18] [17:58:18] Server Version: 0.3.7 R2 [17:58:18] Operating System: Windows [17:58:18] Built on: Jul 19 2020 at 18:01:33 [17:58:18] [17:58:18] =============================== [17:58:18] [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loading plugin: mapandreas [17:58:18] Loaded. [17:58:18] Loaded 9 plugins. [17:58:18] [17:58:18] Ban list [17:58:18] -------- [17:58:18] Loaded: samp.ban [17:58:18] [17:58:18] [17:58:18] Filterscripts [17:58:18] --------------- [17:58:18] Loading filterscript 'announce.amx'... [17:58:18] [SACNR Monitor] Announcing server... [17:58:18] Loaded 1 filterscripts. [17:58:18] Script[gamemodes/lyd.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [17:58:18] Number of vehicle models: 0 [17:58:18] [SACNR Monitor] Server failed to announce: HTTP_ERROR_BAD_HOST
bekomme diese fehlermeldung sobald ich sampac_server rausnehme
echo server.cfg
port 7777
rcon_password hehe123
rcon 1
lanmode 0
maxplayers 200
announce 1
query 1
hostname .::[LyD] LyD Roleplay::.
language Deutsch/German
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 20
incar_rate 20
weapon_rate 20
stream_distance 300
stream_rate 1000
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
lagcompmode 1
messageslimit 500
messageholelimit 5000
ackslimit 5000
playertimeout 20000
plugins mysql streamer sscanf filemanager SAMPSON timerfix sampcac_server pawn-memory SKY mapandreas
gamemode0 lyd
filterscripts announce
ich check das nicht ganz kannst du mir helfen über dc anruf
Ohne irgendwelche Code Zeilen tatsächlich schwer zu sagen.
Könntest du mir helfen, wenn ich dich auf Discord adde?
das ist mir schon klar wichtig ist wie deaktiviere ich, wenn ich mit leader geben will diesen anti-Chat Pflicht.
Guten Abend,
Wie deaktiviere ich das Anti-Cheat System von LyD?
Sobald ich mir leaderrechte geben steht dort anti-cheat pflicht.
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[15:00:25] Server Plugins
[15:00:25] --------------
[15:00:25] Loading plugin: mysql
[15:00:25] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded.
[15:00:25] Loaded.
[15:00:25] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[15:00:25] Loaded.
[15:00:25] Loading plugin: sscanf
[15:00:25] ===============================
[15:00:25] sscanf plugin loaded.
[15:00:25] Version: 2.8.1
[15:00:25] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[15:00:25] ===============================
[15:00:25] Loaded.
[15:00:25] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[15:00:25] CrashDetect must be loaded before 'streamer.DLL'
[15:00:25] Failed.
[15:00:25] Loaded 3 plugins.
[15:00:25] Filterscripts
[15:00:25] ---------------
[15:00:25] Loading filterscript '.DS_Store.amx'...
[15:00:25] Unable to load filterscript '.DS_Store.amx'.
[15:00:25] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[15:00:25] =======================================
[15:00:25] | |
[15:00:25] | YSI version 3.09.0684 |
[15:00:25] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[15:00:25] | |
[15:00:25] =======================================
[15:00:25] DEBUG » Callback 'OnGameModeInit' wurde ausgeführt.
[15:00:25] MYSQL » Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde erfolgreich hergestellt.
[15:00:25] SERVER » Ladevorgang wurde eingeleitet.
[15:00:25] SERVER » Globale Timer wurden gestartet.
[15:00:25] SERVER » NPC's wurden geladen.'
[15:00:25] SERVER » Ladevorgang von Serverdaten wurden abgeschlossen.
[15:00:25] SERVER » Server wurde erfolgreich gestartet.
[15:00:25] DEBUG » Server brauchte für das Hochfahren 16 ms.
[15:00:25] Number of vehicle models: 86
[15:00:25] SERVER » Gangzonen geladen 14/14
[15:00:25] SERVER » Blitzer geladen 0/25
[15:00:25] SERVER » Minen geladen 0/20
[15:00:25] SERVER » Weihnachtsobjekte geladen 0/100
[15:00:25] SERVER » Drogenpflanzen geladen 0/50
[15:00:25] SERVER » Funkmasten geladen 0/50
[15:00:25] SERVER » Garagen geladen 0/100
[15:00:25] SERVER » Fraktionsfahrzeuge geladen 0/500
[15:00:25] SERVER » Werbetafeln geladen 22/22
[15:00:25] SERVER » Rennen geladen 0/50
[15:00:25] SERVER » Schwarzmärkte geladen 0/20
[15:00:25] SERVER » Serverdaten wurde geladen
[15:00:25] SERVER » Wetteinsätze wurden geladen
[15:00:25] SERVER » Fraktionsvewaltungen geladen 19/18
[15:00:25] SERVER » Häuser geladen 0/300
[15:00:25] SERVER » Aktivität der Hausbesitzer kontrolliert
[15:00:25] SERVER » Gutscheine geladen 0/50
[15:00:25] SERVER » Businesse geladen 0/100
[15:00:25] SERVER » Aktivität der Businessbesitzer kontrolliert
[15:00:25] SERVER » Organisationen geladen 0/10
[15:00:25] SERVER » Firmen geladen 0/25
[15:00:25] SERVER » Parteien geladen 0/5
[15:00:26] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:26] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:26] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:26] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:26] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:27] Incoming connection: id: 0
[15:00:27] Incoming connection: id: 1
[15:00:27] Incoming connection: id: 2
[15:00:27] Incoming connection: id: 3
[15:00:28] Incoming connection: id: 4
[15:00:28] [npc:join] [BOT]Zug_SF has joined the server (0:
[15:00:28] [npc:join] [BOT]Tram_SF has joined the server (1:
[15:00:28] [npc:join] [BOT]AT400_LS has joined the server (2:
[15:00:28] [npc:join] [BOT]Shamal_LS has joined the server (3:
[15:00:28] [npc:join] [BOT]Gambling has joined the server (4:
[15:00:29] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:29] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:29] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:29] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:30] Incoming connection: id: 5
[15:00:30] Incoming connection: id: 6
[15:00:30] Incoming connection: id: 7
[15:00:30] Incoming connection: id: 8
[15:00:30] [npc:join] [BOT]Dealer_Opium has joined the server (5:
[15:00:30] [npc:join] [BOT]Dealer_SpiceWeed has joined the server (6:
[15:00:30] [npc:join] [BOT]Army_Panzer has joined the server (7:
[15:00:30] [npc:join] [BOT]Army_Transport has joined the server (8:
[15:00:31] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:31] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:31] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:31] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:32] Incoming connection: id: 9
[15:00:32] Incoming connection: id: 10
[15:00:32] Incoming connection: id: 11
[15:00:32] Incoming connection: id: 12
[15:00:32] [npc:join] [BOT]Antibot has joined the server (9:
[15:00:32] [npc:join] [BOT]Bank has joined the server (10:
[15:00:32] [npc:join] [BOT]Stadthalle_LS has joined the server (11:
[15:00:32] [npc:join] [BOT]AngryAbe has joined the server (12:
[15:00:33] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:33] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:33] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:33] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:33] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:34] Incoming connection: id: 13
[15:00:34] Incoming connection: id: 14
[15:00:34] Incoming connection: id: 15
[15:00:34] Incoming connection: id: 16
[15:00:34] Incoming connection: id: 17
[15:00:34] [npc:join] [BOT]Priester has joined the server (13:
[15:00:34] [npc:join] [BOT]Partei_LS has joined the server (14:
[15:00:34] [npc:join] [BOT]Organisation_LS has joined the server (15:
[15:00:34] [npc:join] [BOT]JuanStory has joined the server (16:
[15:00:34] [npc:join] [BOT]AngryAbeStory has joined the server (17:
[15:00:35] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:35] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:35] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:35] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:35] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:35] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:00:36] Incoming connection: id: 18
[15:00:36] Incoming connection: id: 19
[15:00:36] Incoming connection: id: 20
[15:00:36] Incoming connection: id: 21
[15:00:36] Incoming connection: id: 22
[15:00:36] Incoming connection: id: 23
[15:00:37] [npc:join] [BOT]Mall_Pizza has joined the server (18:
[15:00:37] [npc:join] [BOT]Mall_Arbeitsamt has joined the server (19:
[15:00:37] [npc:join] [BOT]Mall_Kleidung has joined the server (20:
[15:00:37] [npc:join] [BOT]Holzmann_Chef has joined the server (22:
[15:00:37] [npc:join] [BOT]Holzmann_Helfer has joined the server (23:
Alles funktioniert soweit gut, leider bleibt es ab hier stehen und ich kann nix machen nicht auf server joint
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[14:39:49] filterscripts = "" (string)
[14:39:49] Error: Your password must be changed from the default password, please change it.
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[14:41:04] Error: Your password must be changed from the default password, please change it.
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[14:41:36] Error: Your password must be changed from the default password, please change it.
Weiß jemand wie ich das fixe?
Wir leben im 21. Jahrhundert und Leute bemühen sich immer noch nicht eine gescheite Werbung zu schreiben.
Werde mal vorbeischauen
Ups, das ist nicht aktuell.
Habt Spaß mit dem Script, ehrt es nur und wenn jemand fragt hat es Kasa auch erstellt ursprünglich
(z.B ist Kaliber auch markiert im Quellcode da eine richtig entspannte Funktion von ihm ist)
Wenn jemand will kriegt er (85 Tage Tage übrig) und (130 Tage übrig) haben.
Evtl arbeite ich einfach aus Jux mal demnächst weiter am Script und behebe paar Bugs etc, mal luhrn
Hi kriege ich den ?
Hab es downgeloadet, es fehlen sehr viele commands und einiges funktioniert nicht
Sobald ich dies Beende #include <core\anticheat> Bekomme ich 10 fehler und Server.exe startet nicht.
Ich weiß wirklich nicht wo das sein konnte suche seit 2 stunden
Guten Abend,
Ich habe das LyD Script bis jetzt läuft alles Top, leider hab ich ein kleines Problem was mich abfuckt.
Sobald ich in einer Fraktion bin, werde ich von Anti-Cheat gekickt und bekomme eine Antwort mit Anti-Cheat Client Pflicht.
Da ich kein Anti-Cheat Client besitzet will ich das System Deaktivieren, kann mir jemand dabei helfen ?
Scheint eine falsche Datenbank zu sein
Hmm Kann mir jemand helfen ?
DC Kontakt
Zeig nochmal die ganze neue log...
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[21:03:36] password = "" (string)
[21:03:36] Server Plugins
[21:03:36] --------------
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: mysql
[21:03:36] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded.
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: sscanf
[21:03:36] ===============================
[21:03:36] sscanf plugin loaded.
[21:03:36] Version: 2.8.2
[21:03:36] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[21:03:36] ===============================
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: filemanager
[21:03:36] ******************
[21:03:36] ** FILE MANAGER **
[21:03:36] ** Loaded **
[21:03:36] ** Version 1.5 **
[21:03:36] ******************
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: SAMPSON
[21:03:36] ============== SAMPSON v0.1.1 by King_Hual loaded ==============
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: timerfix
[21:03:36] >> TimerFix v1.5 successfully loaded.
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: sampcac_server
[21:03:36] SA-MP Clientside AntiCheat v0.10.0 is being loaded ...
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: pawn-memory
[21:03:36] ========================
[21:03:36] = Memory access plugin =
[21:03:36] = Made by BigETI =
[21:03:36] = Loaded! =
[21:03:36] ========================
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: SKY
[21:03:36] ===============================
[21:03:36] < SKY - 2.3.0 >
[21:03:36] (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers
[21:03:36] (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman
[21:03:36] Server Version: 0.3.7 R2
[21:03:36] Operating System: Windows
[21:03:36] Built on: Jul 19 2020 at 18:01:33
[21:03:36] ===============================
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loading plugin: mapandreas
[21:03:36] Loaded.
[21:03:36] Loaded 10 plugins.
[21:03:36] Ban list
[21:03:36] --------
[21:03:36] Loaded: samp.ban
[21:03:36] Filterscripts
[21:03:36] ---------------
[21:03:36] Loading filterscript 'announce.amx'...
[21:03:36] [SACNR Monitor] Announcing server...
[21:03:36] Loaded 1 filterscripts.
[21:03:37] =======================================
[21:03:37] | |
[21:03:37] | YSI version 4.00.0001 |
[21:03:37] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[21:03:37] | |
[21:03:37] =======================================
[21:03:55] --------------------------------------
[21:03:55] Anticheat Nex-AC geladen!
[21:03:55] Anticheat version: 1.9.53
[21:03:55] Author: Nexius
[21:03:55] --------------------------------------
[21:03:55] MapFix by Nexius v4.2.1 loaded (include version).
[21:03:56] *** Streamer Plugin: AttachDynamicObjectToObject: YSF plugin (a version having the AttachPlayerObjectToObject function) must be loaded to attach objects to objects.
[21:03:56] [plugin.timerfix] DerbyTimer: Function was not found.
[21:03:56] ----------------------------------
[21:03:56] LyD-Roleplay
[21:03:56] Compiled on 14 Dec 2020 21:03:06 by PatrickJ. & Mike.
[21:03:56] ----------------------------------
[21:03:56] Number of vehicle models: 115
[21:03:56] [SACNR Monitor] Server failed to announce: 422 Unprocessable Entity. You might get this error if you are running a local/LAN server.
[21:03:56] Failed to check 'Update Checker' update
[21:03:56] Failed to check 'Nex-AC' update
[21:03:56] <-| [MYSQL] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde erfolgreich hergestellt!
[21:03:58] OnQueryError(1146,'Table 'lyd.fraktionen' doesn't exist','SELECT * FROM `fraktionen`')
[21:03:58] Keine Benutzer müssen gelöscht werden
[21:03:58] Keine Passwörter zum Hashen gefunden
[21:03:58] Keine Kasse definiert für LCN mit 1080000$
[21:03:58] OnQueryError(1146,'Table 'lyd.fraktionen' doesn't exist','SELECT * FROM `fraktionen`')
[21:03:58] [LOAD] Fraktions Ränge wurden geladen (23/23)
[21:03:58] HausID 890 mit ungültigem HouseInterior 0
[21:03:58] HausID 896 mit ungültigem HouseInterior 0
[21:03:58] HausID 917 mit ungültigem HouseInterior 0
[21:04:55] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[21:04:56] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[21:04:56] [join] abbas has joined the server (0:
[21:05:07] INSERT INTO `accounts` (`Name`, `Passwort`,`SaltKey`) VALUES ('abbas', SHA2(CONCAT('abbas123','84j8ciSr958W56w6J9GcmH0m082okj20'),256),'84j8ciSr958W56w6J9GcmH0m082okj20')
[21:05:07] UPDATE `accounts` SET `Level` = 1, `Admin` = 0, `DonateRank` = 0, `Hours` = 0, `Sex` = 0, `Muted` = 0, `Exp` = 0, `Cash` = 0, `Crimes` = 0, `Kills` = 0, `Deaths` = 0, `Arrested` = 0, `WantedDeaths` = 0, `PhoneBook` = 0, `LottoNr` = 0, `Job` = 0, `PayCheck` = 0, `Jailed` = 0, `JailTime` = 0, `Drugs` = 0, `Fraktion` = 0, `Rank` = 0, `Skin` = 0, `CarLic` = 0, `FlyLic` = 0, `BoatLic` = 0, `GunLic` = 0, `GunLicB` = 0, `LKWLic` = 0, `MotoLic` = 0, `PayDay` = 0, `Tut` = 0, `Warns` = 0, `Perso` = 0, `HandyNr` = 0, `HandyGeld` = 0, `Tot` = 0, `Banned` = 0, `Wanteds` = 0, `Bank` = 0, `JailType` = 0, `TotTime` = 0, `TotX` = 0.00, `TotY` = 0.00, `TotZ` = 0.00, `Kanister` = 0, `Waffenteile` = 0, `SafeTeile` = 0,`SafeDrogen` = 0, `SpawnChange` = 0, `Kekse` = 0, `Zigaretten` = 0, `FrakLohn` = 0, `TimeBan` = 0, `MuteTime` = 0, `Angel` = 0, `Fische` = 0, `Koeder` = 0, `MaxFishes` = 0, `MaxVerloren` = 0, `FishLic` = 0, `FPunkte` = 0, `FBPunkte` = 0, `FlPunkte` = 0, `GunPunkte` = 0, `LKWPunkte` = 0, `MotoPunkte` = 0, `Marriage` = 0,`FrakSperre` = 0, `Hartz4` = 0, `KFZSteuer` = 0, `WantedCodes` = 0, `SafeWantedCodes` = 0, `HurePoints` = 1, `DetectivPoints` = 1, `Staat` = 'Ausländer', `LastSeen` = now(), `BankKonto` = 0, `BankPin` = 0, `Boeller` = 0, `Raketen` = 0, `JobWechsel` = 0, `Krankenversicherung` = 0, `DrogenSamen` = 0, `GangDrogenSamen` = 0, `KrauterMische` = 0, `C4` = 0, `Spice` = 0, `SafeSpice` = 0, `Handy` = 0, `Pfand` = 0, `Brecheisen` = 0 WHERE `Name` = 'abbas'
[21:05:07] OnQueryError(1054,'Unknown column 'SpawnWeste' in 'field list'','UPDATE `accounts` SET `SperreFahr` = 0, `SperreBoot` = 0, `SperreFlug` = 0, `SperreWaffe` = 0, `SperreLKW` = 0, `SperreMoto` = 0, `SSteuer` = 0, `Helm` = 0, `Experte` = 0, `Lobe` = 0, `BMOD` = 0, `FV` = 0, `swSpiceSp` = 0, `swDrogenSp` = 0, `swWTSp` = 0, `swCodesSp` = 0, `Kreditwert` = 0, `KreditGezahlt` = 0, `MP3Player` = 0, `PremiumCarSlot` = 0, `Kampfstyle` = 0, `SpawnX` = 0.00, `SpawnY` = 0.00, `SpawnZ` = 0.00, `SpawnFace` = 0.00, `SpawnInt` = 0, `SpawnVirtual` = 0, `Koffer` = 0, `UpgradeWaffenlager` = 0, `UpgradeSafebox` = 0, `HausWaffenlager` = 0, `HausWaffenlager2` = 0, `HausWaffenlager3` = 0, `HausSafeboxSpice` = 0, `HausSafeboxDrogen` = 0, `Haustier` = 0, `HaustierCooldown` = 0, `HaustierFutter` = 0, `RadarfallenWarnung` = 0, `PremiumBizSlot` = 0, `HouseMieteKey` = 999, `PrisonRunCount` = 0, `PrisonRun` = 0, `ZollValid` = 0, `LawyerPoints` = 0, `WaffenSperre` = 0, `KFZVersicherung` = 0, `SpawnWeste` = 0, `Booster` = 0, `PowerRiegel` = 0, `TrakLic` = 0, `CarmALic` = 0, `KillsGangFight` = 0, `PremiumNeon` = 0, `Automatik` = 0, `DrogenPoints` = 0, `WaffenteilePoints` = 0, `SpiceSamenPoints` = 0, `PilotPoints` = 0, `frakwarn` = 0, `Deakacc` = 0, `Schulden` = 0, `Weihnachtsday` = 0, `fahrlehrerboni` = 0, `MarriageName` = 'Niemand', `Deakaccadmin` = '', `BwStrafe` = 0, `BwStrafeGrund` = '', `Eventpoints` = 0, `AdventDay` = 0, `AdventMin` = 0, `MustUseAC` = 0, `KillsStreetwar` = 0, `DmgTogl` = 0, `FradarStat` = 0, `hwid` = 'CE9E9D848948E89E490548CE9ECC498C5E8D4509', `ChatSettings` = 0 WHERE `Name` = 'abbas'')
[21:05:07] UPDATE `accounts` SET `Level` = 1, `Admin` = 0, `DonateRank` = 0, `Hours` = 0, `Sex` = 0, `Muted` = 0, `Exp` = 0, `Cash` = 0, `Crimes` = 0, `Kills` = 0, `Deaths` = 0, `Arrested` = 0, `WantedDeaths` = 0, `PhoneBook` = 0, `LottoNr` = 0, `Job` = 0, `PayCheck` = 0, `Jailed` = 0, `JailTime` = 0, `Drugs` = 0, `Fraktion` = 0, `Rank` = 0, `Skin` = 0, `CarLic` = 0, `FlyLic` = 0, `BoatLic` = 0, `GunLic` = 0, `GunLicB` = 0, `LKWLic` = 0, `MotoLic` = 0, `PayDay` = 0, `Tut` = 0, `Warns` = 0, `Perso` = 0, `HandyNr` = 0, `HandyGeld` = 0, `Tot` = 0, `Banned` = 0, `Wanteds` = 0, `Bank` = 0, `JailType` = 0, `TotTime` = 0, `TotX` = 0.00, `TotY` = 0.00, `TotZ` = 0.00, `Kanister` = 0, `Waffenteile` = 0, `SafeTeile` = 0,`SafeDrogen` = 0, `SpawnChange` = 0, `Kekse` = 0, `Zigaretten` = 0, `FrakLohn` = 0, `TimeBan` = 0, `MuteTime` = 0, `Angel` = 0, `Fische` = 0, `Koeder` = 0, `MaxFishes` = 0, `MaxVerloren` = 0, `FishLic` = 0, `FPunkte` = 0, `FBPunkte` = 0, `FlPunkte` = 0, `GunPunkte` = 0, `LKWPunkte` = 0, `MotoPunkte` = 0, `Marriage` = 0,`FrakSperre` = 0, `Hartz4` = 0, `KFZSteuer` = 0, `WantedCodes` = 0, `SafeWantedCodes` = 0, `HurePoints` = 1, `DetectivPoints` = 1, `Staat` = 'Ausländer', `LastSeen` = now(), `BankKonto` = 0, `BankPin` = 0, `Boeller` = 0, `Raketen` = 0, `JobWechsel` = 0, `Krankenversicherung` = 0, `DrogenSamen` = 0, `GangDrogenSamen` = 0, `KrauterMische` = 0, `C4` = 0, `Spice` = 0, `SafeSpice` = 0, `Handy` = 0, `Pfand` = 0, `Brecheisen` = 0 WHERE `Name` = 'abbas'
[21:05:07] OnQueryError(1054,'Unknown column 'SpawnWeste' in 'field list'','UPDATE `accounts` SET `SperreFahr` = 0, `SperreBoot` = 0, `SperreFlug` = 0, `SperreWaffe` = 0, `SperreLKW` = 0, `SperreMoto` = 0, `SSteuer` = 0, `Helm` = 0, `Experte` = 0, `Lobe` = 0, `BMOD` = 0, `FV` = 0, `swSpiceSp` = 0, `swDrogenSp` = 0, `swWTSp` = 0, `swCodesSp` = 0, `Kreditwert` = 0, `KreditGezahlt` = 0, `MP3Player` = 0, `PremiumCarSlot` = 0, `Kampfstyle` = 0, `SpawnX` = 0.00, `SpawnY` = 0.00, `SpawnZ` = 0.00, `SpawnFace` = 0.00, `SpawnInt` = 0, `SpawnVirtual` = 0, `Koffer` = 0, `UpgradeWaffenlager` = 0, `UpgradeSafebox` = 0, `HausWaffenlager` = 0, `HausWaffenlager2` = 0, `HausWaffenlager3` = 0, `HausSafeboxSpice` = 0, `HausSafeboxDrogen` = 0, `Haustier` = 0, `HaustierCooldown` = 0, `HaustierFutter` = 0, `RadarfallenWarnung` = 0, `PremiumBizSlot` = 0, `HouseMieteKey` = 999, `PrisonRunCount` = 0, `PrisonRun` = 0, `ZollValid` = 0, `LawyerPoints` = 0, `WaffenSperre` = 0, `KFZVersicherung` = 0, `SpawnWeste` = 0, `Booster` = 0, `PowerRiegel` = 0, `TrakLic` = 0, `CarmALic` = 0, `KillsGangFight` = 0, `PremiumNeon` = 0, `Automatik` = 0, `DrogenPoints` = 0, `WaffenteilePoints` = 0, `SpiceSamenPoints` = 0, `PilotPoints` = 0, `frakwarn` = 0, `Deakacc` = 0, `Schulden` = 0, `Weihnachtsday` = 0, `fahrlehrerboni` = 0, `MarriageName` = 'Niemand', `Deakaccadmin` = '', `BwStrafe` = 0, `BwStrafeGrund` = '', `Eventpoints` = 0, `AdventDay` = 0, `AdventMin` = 0, `MustUseAC` = 0, `KillsStreetwar` = 0, `DmgTogl` = 0, `FradarStat` = 0, `hwid` = 'CE9E9D848948E89E490548CE9ECC498C5E8D4509', `ChatSettings` = 0 WHERE `Name` = 'abbas'')
[21:05:37] [part] abbas has left the server (0:1)
[21:05:37] UPDATE `accounts` SET `Level` = 1, `Admin` = 0, `DonateRank` = 0, `Hours` = 0, `Sex` = 1, `Muted` = 0, `Exp` = 0, `Cash` = 40000, `Crimes` = 0, `Kills` = 0, `Deaths` = 0, `Arrested` = 0, `WantedDeaths` = 0, `PhoneBook` = 0, `LottoNr` = 0, `Job` = 0, `PayCheck` = 0, `Jailed` = 0, `JailTime` = 0, `Drugs` = 0, `Fraktion` = 0, `Rank` = 0, `Skin` = 101, `CarLic` = 0, `FlyLic` = 0, `BoatLic` = 0, `GunLic` = 0, `GunLicB` = 0, `LKWLic` = 0, `MotoLic` = 0, `PayDay` = 0, `Tut` = 1, `Warns` = 0, `Perso` = 0, `HandyNr` = 0, `HandyGeld` = 0, `Tot` = 0, `Banned` = 0, `Wanteds` = 0, `Bank` = 0, `JailType` = 0, `TotTime` = 0, `TotX` = 0.00, `TotY` = 0.00, `TotZ` = 0.00, `Kanister` = 0, `Waffenteile` = 0, `SafeTeile` = 0,`SafeDrogen` = 0, `SpawnChange` = 0, `Kekse` = 0, `Zigaretten` = 0, `FrakLohn` = 0, `TimeBan` = 0, `MuteTime` = 0, `Angel` = 0, `Fische` = 0, `Koeder` = 0, `MaxFishes` = 0, `MaxVerloren` = 0, `FishLic` = 0, `FPunkte` = 0, `FBPunkte` = 0, `FlPunkte` = 0, `GunPunkte` = 0, `LKWPunkte` = 0, `MotoPunkte` = 0, `Marriage` = 0,`FrakSperre` = 0, `Hartz4` = 0, `KFZSteuer` = 0, `WantedCodes` = 0, `SafeWantedCodes` = 0, `HurePoints` = 1, `DetectivPoints` = 1, `Staat` = 'Ausländer', `LastSeen` = now(), `BankKonto` = 0, `BankPin` = 0, `Boeller` = 0, `Raketen` = 0, `JobWechsel` = 0, `Krankenversicherung` = 0, `DrogenSamen` = 0, `GangDrogenSamen` = 0, `KrauterMische` = 0, `C4` = 0, `Spice` = 0, `SafeSpice` = 0, `Handy` = 0, `Pfand` = 0, `Brecheisen` = 0 WHERE `Name` = 'abbas'
[21:05:37] OnQueryError(1054,'Unknown column 'SpawnWeste' in 'field list'','UPDATE `accounts` SET `SperreFahr` = 0, `SperreBoot` = 0, `SperreFlug` = 0, `SperreWaffe` = 0, `SperreLKW` = 0, `SperreMoto` = 0, `SSteuer` = 0, `Helm` = 0, `Experte` = 0, `Lobe` = 0, `BMOD` = 0, `FV` = 0, `swSpiceSp` = 0, `swDrogenSp` = 0, `swWTSp` = 0, `swCodesSp` = 0, `Kreditwert` = 0, `KreditGezahlt` = 0, `MP3Player` = 0, `PremiumCarSlot` = 0, `Kampfstyle` = 0, `SpawnX` = 793.04, `SpawnY` = -1345.30, `SpawnZ` = -1.20, `SpawnFace` = 91.68, `SpawnInt` = 0, `SpawnVirtual` = 0, `Koffer` = 0, `UpgradeWaffenlager` = 0, `UpgradeSafebox` = 0, `HausWaffenlager` = 0, `HausWaffenlager2` = 0, `HausWaffenlager3` = 0, `HausSafeboxSpice` = 0, `HausSafeboxDrogen` = 0, `Haustier` = 0, `HaustierCooldown` = 0, `HaustierFutter` = 0, `RadarfallenWarnung` = 0, `PremiumBizSlot` = 0, `HouseMieteKey` = 999, `PrisonRunCount` = 0, `PrisonRun` = 0, `ZollValid` = 0, `LawyerPoints` = 0, `WaffenSperre` = 0, `KFZVersicherung` = 0, `SpawnWeste` = 0, `Booster` = 0, `PowerRiegel` = 0, `TrakLic` = 0, `CarmALic` = 0, `KillsGangFight` = 0, `PremiumNeon` = 0, `Automatik` = 0, `DrogenPoints` = 0, `WaffenteilePoints` = 0, `SpiceSamenPoints` = 0, `PilotPoints` = 0, `frakwarn` = 0, `Deakacc` = 0, `Schulden` = 0, `Weihnachtsday` = 0, `fahrlehrerboni` = 0, `MarriageName` = 'Niemand', `Deakaccadmin` = '', `BwStrafe` = 0, `BwStrafeGrund` = '', `Eventpoints` = 0, `AdventDay` = 0, `AdventMin` = 0, `MustUseAC` = 0, `KillsStreetwar` = 0, `DmgTogl` = 0, `FradarStat` = 0, `hwid` = 'CE9E9D848948E89E490548CE9ECC498C5E8D4509', `ChatSettings` = 0 WHERE `Name` = 'abbas'')
[21:05:58] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[21:05:59] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[21:05:59] [join] abbas has joined the server (0:
[21:06:06] OnQueryError(1054,'Unknown column 'SpawnWeste' in 'field list'','SELECT id,Level,Admin,DonateRank,Hours,Sex,Muted,Exp,Cash,Crimes,Kills,Deaths,Arrested,WantedDeaths,PhoneBook,LottoNr,Job,PayCheck,Jailed,JailTime,Drugs,Fraktion,Rank,Skin,CarLic,FlyLic,BoatLic,GunLic,LKWLic,MotoLic,PayDay,Tut,Warns,Perso,HandyNr,HandyGeld,Tot,Banned,Wanteds,Bank,JailTime,TotTime,TotX,TotY,TotZ,Kanister,Waffenteile,SafeTeile,SafeDrogen,SpawnChange,Kekse,Zigaretten,FrakLohn,TimeBan,MuteTime,Angel,Fische,Koeder,MaxFishes,MaxVerloren,FishLic,FPunkte,FBPunkte,FlPunkte,GunPunkte,LKWPunkte,MotoPunkte,Marriage,FrakSperre,Hartz4,KFZSteuer,WantedCodes,SafeWantedCodes,Startbonus,HurePoints,DetectivPoints,Staat,Bankkonto,BankPin,Boeller,Raketen,JobWechsel,Krankenversicherung,DrogenSamen,Geburtstag,Spice,SafeSpice,Handy,Kampfstyle,Brecheisen,SperreFahr,SperreBoot,SperreFlug,SperreWaffe,SperreLKW,SperreMoto,SSteuer,Helm,Experte,Lobe,BMOD,Kreditwert,KreditGezahlt,MP3Player,PremiumCarSlot,SpawnX,SpawnY,SpawnZ,SpawnFace,SpawnInt,SpawnVirtual,Koffer,UpgradeWaffenlager,UpgradeSafebox,HausWaffenlager,HausSafeboxSpice,HausSafeboxDrogen,Haustier,HaustierCooldown,HaustierFutter,GunLicB,RadarfallenWarnung,PremiumBizSlot,HouseMieteKey,PrisonRunCount,PrisonRun,ZollValid,LawyerPoints,WaffenSperre,KFZVersicherung,TrakLic,CarmALic,KillsGangFight,PremiumNeon,Automatik,DrogenPoints,WaffenteilePoints,MarriageName,frakwarn,BwStrafe,BwStrafeGrund,Eventpoints,AdventDay,AdventMin,MustUseAC,KillsStreetwar,ChatSettings,SpawnWeste,Booster,PowerRiegel FROM `accounts` WHERE `Passwort` = SHA2(CONCAT('abbas123',`SaltKey`),256) AND `Name` = 'abbas' LIMIT 1')
[21:06:08] [part] abbas has left the server (0:2)
Script :
if defined TEST // Testserver
#define SQL_HOST "localhost"
#define SQL_USER "root"
#define SQL_PASS ""
#define SQL_DATA "lyd"
#define WEBSQL_HOST "1"
#define WEBSQL_USER "1"
#define WEBSQL_PASS "1"
#define WEBSQL_DATA "1"
#else // Main-Server
#define SQL_HOST ""
#define SQL_USER ""
#define SQL_PASS ""
#define SQL_DATA ""
#define WEBSQL_HOST ""
#define WEBSQL_USER ""
#define WEBSQL_PASS ""
#define WEBSQL_DATA ""
Danke hab den Fehler gefixt, leider hab ich noch ein weiteres Problem, Sobald ich mich Registriere und mich wieder erneut einloggen möchte, steht dort Du bist nicht eingeloggt sobald ich auf Spawn oder irgendwas klicke.
Guten Abend ,
Ich hab ein kleines Problem, bis jetzt läuft alles sauber mit Skript.
könnt ihr mir eventuell helfen wo der Fehler liegen könnte
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[20:47:05] password = "" (string)
[20:47:05] Server Plugins
[20:47:05] --------------
[20:47:05] Loading plugin: mysql
[20:47:06] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded.
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: sscanf
[20:47:06] ===============================
[20:47:06] sscanf plugin loaded.
[20:47:06] Version: 2.8.2
[20:47:06] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[20:47:06] ===============================
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: filemanager
[20:47:06] ******************
[20:47:06] ** FILE MANAGER **
[20:47:06] ** Loaded **
[20:47:06] ** Version 1.5 **
[20:47:06] ******************
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: SAMPSON
[20:47:06] ============== SAMPSON v0.1.1 by King_Hual loaded ==============
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: timerfix
[20:47:06] >> TimerFix v1.5 successfully loaded.
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: sampcac_server
[20:47:06] SA-MP Clientside AntiCheat v0.10.0 is being loaded ...
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: pawn-memory
[20:47:06] ========================
[20:47:06] = Memory access plugin =
[20:47:06] = Made by BigETI =
[20:47:06] = Loaded! =
[20:47:06] ========================
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: SKY
[20:47:06] ===============================
[20:47:06] < SKY - 2.3.0 >
[20:47:06] (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers
[20:47:06] (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman
[20:47:06] Server Version: 0.3.7 R2
[20:47:06] Operating System: Windows
[20:47:06] Built on: Jul 19 2020 at 18:01:33
[20:47:06] ===============================
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loading plugin: mapandreas
[20:47:06] Loaded.
[20:47:06] Loaded 10 plugins.
[20:47:06] Ban list
[20:47:06] --------
[20:47:06] Loaded: samp.ban
[20:47:06] Filterscripts
[20:47:06] ---------------
[20:47:06] Loading filterscript 'announce.amx'...
[20:47:06] [SACNR Monitor] Announcing server...
[20:47:06] Loaded 1 filterscripts.
[20:47:06] =======================================
[20:47:06] | |
[20:47:06] | YSI version 4.00.0001 |
[20:47:06] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[20:47:06] | |
[20:47:06] =======================================
[20:47:25] --------------------------------------
[20:47:25] Anticheat Nex-AC geladen!
[20:47:25] Anticheat version: 1.9.53
[20:47:25] Author: Nexius
[20:47:25] --------------------------------------
[20:47:25] MapFix by Nexius v4.2.1 loaded (include version).
[20:47:25] *** Streamer Plugin: AttachDynamicObjectToObject: YSF plugin (a version having the AttachPlayerObjectToObject function) must be loaded to attach objects to objects.
[20:47:25] [plugin.timerfix] DerbyTimer: Function was not found.
[20:47:25] ----------------------------------
[20:47:25] LyD-Roleplay
[20:47:25] Compiled on 14 Dec 2020 20:46:54 by PatrickJ. & Mike.
[20:47:25] ----------------------------------
[20:47:25] Number of vehicle models: 115
[20:47:25] [SACNR Monitor] Server failed to announce: 422 Unprocessable Entity. You might get this error if you are running a local/LAN server.
[20:47:25] Failed to check 'Update Checker' update
[20:47:25] Failed to check 'Nex-AC' update
[20:47:30] <-| [MYSQL] Es konnte keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden!
[20:47:30] --- Server Shutting Down.
[20:47:30] MapFix by Nexius v4.2.1 unloaded (include version).
[20:47:33] --------------------------------------
[20:47:33] Statistiken anticheat Nex-AC
[20:47:33] Erkannt und verhindert:
[20:47:33] 0 cheating Versuche
[20:47:33] 0 hacking Versuche
[20:47:33] 0 crashing Versuche
[20:47:33] 0 flooding Versuche
[20:47:33] 0 angriffe
[20:47:33] Insgesamt erkannt und bestraft: 0 Cheater
[20:47:33] --------------------------------------
[20:47:33] plugin.mysql: Unloading plugin...
[20:47:33] plugin.mysql: Plugin unloaded.
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito unloaded ***
[20:47:33] ===============================
[20:47:33] sscanf plugin unloaded.
[20:47:33] ===============================
[20:47:33] ============= SAMPSON v0.1.1 by King_Hual unloaded =============
[20:47:33] [plugin.timerfix] Plugsin successfully unloaded!
[20:47:33] SA-MP Clientside AntiCheat v0.10.0 is being unloaded ...
[20:47:33] ========================
[20:47:33] = Memory access plugin =
[20:47:33] = Made by BigETI =
[20:47:33] = Unloaded! =
[20:47:33] ========================
Am ende Stürzt das ganze ab
Hast du schon ein Script zur Verfügung ?