die msql_static.so gibt es nicht für die r41-4
Beiträge von Denny_xX
Wo finde ich die Datei das ist gerade das Problem weiß halt leider nicht wo die Datei liegt und kannst es mir auch gerne auf DC erklären. lepasi_twitch
wie gesagt das setzt vorraus das du zugrif auf die mysql datenbank hast sprich selber installiert hast zb unter linux wenn das nicht der fall sein sollte dann klappt das nicht
Ja habe es selber Installiert
du musst das in der mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf mit eintragen soweit ich das noch weiß
hab mel ebend geguckt so sah es bei mir aus
Alles anzeigen# # These groups are read by MariaDB server. # Use it for options that only the server (but not clients) should see # this is read by the standalone daemon and embedded servers [server] # this is only for the mysqld standalone daemon [mysqld] # # * Basic Settings # user = mysql pid-file = /run/mysqld/mysqld.pid basedir = /usr datadir = /var/lib/mysql tmpdir = /tmp lc-messages-dir = /usr/share/mysql lc-messages = en_US skip-external-locking sql-mode="NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" # Broken reverse DNS slows down connections considerably and name resolve is # safe to skip if there are no "host by domain name" access grants #skip-name-resolve # Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on # localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure. bind-address = # # * Fine Tuning # #key_buffer_size = 128M #max_allowed_packet = 1G #thread_stack = 192K #thread_cache_size = 8 # This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed # the first time they are touched #myisam_recover_options = BACKUP #max_connections = 100 #table_cache = 64 # # * Logging and Replication # # Both location gets rotated by the cronjob. # Be aware that this log type is a performance killer. # Recommend only changing this at runtime for short testing periods if needed! #general_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log #general_log = 1 # When running under systemd, error logging goes via stdout/stderr to journald # and when running legacy init error logging goes to syslog due to # /etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf # Enable this if you want to have error logging into a separate file #log_error = /var/log/mysql/error.log # Enable the slow query log to see queries with especially long duration #slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-slow.log #long_query_time = 10 #log_slow_verbosity = query_plan,explain #log-queries-not-using-indexes #min_examined_row_limit = 1000 # The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for replication. # note: if you are setting up a replication slave, see README.Debian about # other settings you may need to change. #server-id = 1 #log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log expire_logs_days = 10 #max_binlog_size = 100M # # * SSL/TLS # # For documentation, please read # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/securing-connections-for-client-and-server/ #ssl-ca = /etc/mysql/cacert.pem #ssl-cert = /etc/mysql/server-cert.pem #ssl-key = /etc/mysql/server-key.pem #require-secure-transport = on # # * Character sets # # MySQL/MariaDB default is Latin1, but in Debian we rather default to the full # utf8 4-byte character set. See also client.cnf character-set-server = utf8mb4 collation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci # # * InnoDB # # InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/. # Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many! # Most important is to give InnoDB 80 % of the system RAM for buffer use: # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/innodb-system-variables/#innodb_buffer_pool_size #innodb_buffer_pool_size = 8G # this is only for embedded server [embedded] # This group is only read by MariaDB servers, not by MySQL. # If you use the same .cnf file for MySQL and MariaDB, # you can put MariaDB-only options here [mariadb] # This group is only read by MariaDB-10.5 servers. # If you use the same .cnf file for MariaDB of different versions, # use this group for options that older servers don't understand [mariadb-10.5]
also so mal an besten übernehmmen und die datenbank dann mit 'service restart mysql' neustarten
Wo finde ich das
Du musst in den Tabellen/Spalten einen Default Wert angeben, dass kann sehr lange dauern, aber ich weiß das es da noch eine andere Lösung gibt, was genau das war weiß ich leider auch nicht mehr.
Wie mache ich das hab das noch nie gehabt diese Fehler kannst du mir das eben mal erklären?
wenn es deine eigne mysql datenbank sein sollte guck mal hier
so habe es damals bei meiner auch beseitigt und hatte es nie wieder mit der null
kann aber auch nicht sagen wie es sich dann mit anderem verhält ich hatte die db nur für samp und mta
Wie mache ich das da im Script?
Hab es schon jetzt hab ich folgendes Problem die Datenbank speichert nix mehr. Sie speichert keine Accounts mehr und andere sachen kann mir da jemand helfen?
[06/14/23 12:28:46] [plugins/mysql] error #1060 while executing query "ALTER TABLE LGR_account_main ADD COLUMN (`Friedhof` int(2) NOT NULL,`FriedhofZeit` int(4) NOT NULL,`ImKnast` int(2) NOT NULL,`KnastZeit` int(4) NOT NULL,`KnastKaution` int(2) NOT NULL,`Muted` int(2) NOT NULL,`MuteZeit` int(4) NOT NULL,`ImPrison` int(2) NOT NULL,`PrisonCPRun` int(6) NOT NULL,`PrisonCPGive` int(6) NOT NULL,`Morde` int(4) NOT NULL,`Tode` int(4) NOT NULL,`SkinID` int(3) NOT NULL,`FraktionSkinID` int(3) NOT NULL,`PaintBallKills` int(10) NOT NULL,`PaintBallTode` int(10) NOT NULL,`PaintBallRang` int(3) NOT NULL,`PaintBallBesuche` int(8) NOT NULL,`AngenommeneReports` int(6) NOT NULL,`KopfGeld` int(10) NOT NULL,`Bankkonto` int(2) NOT NULL,`pArmyPlaneOrder` int(2) NOT NULL,`pArmyHeliOrder` int(2) NOT NULL,`pArmyWaffenOrder` int(2) NOT NULL,`LevelUPKosten` int(10) NOT NULL,`RespectForLevelUp` int(6) NOT NULL,`RespectFromPayday` int(6) NOT NULL,`TimeAfterRegister` int(12) NOT NULL,`Time4Payday` int(3) NOT NULL,`HabGeworben` int(2) NOT NULL,`pPremium` int(128) NOT NULL,`GeworbenerSpieler` varchar(24) NOT NULL,`TimeoutCrashExeorKick` int(3) NOT NULL,`PropertyClearTime` int(128) NOT NULL,`pScheinSperre` int(128) NOT NULL,`DigiHud` int(2) NOT NULL,`Bonus` int(2) NOT NULL,`pOrgLeader` int(4) NOT NULL,`pOrgMember` int(4) NOT NULL,`pLohn` int(12) NOT NULL,`WaitPerso` int(128) NOT NULL)": Duplicate column name 'Friedhof'
[06/14/23 12:28:46] [plugins/mysql] error #1060 while executing query "ALTER TABLE LGR_account_main ADD COLUMN (`pMarried` varchar(24) NOT NULL,`pBuyClothes` int(6) NOT NULL,`pTsIdent` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`pIll` int(10) NOT NULL,`pConterminatedTime` int(10) NOT NULL,`pBitchSkill` int(10) NOT NULL,`pBitchFuckCount` int(10) NOT NULL,`pMedicHealplayerSkill` int(10) NOT NULL,`pMedicHealCount` int(10) NOT NULL)": Duplicate column name 'pMarried'
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('0','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('1','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('2','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('3','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('4','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('5','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('6','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('7','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('8','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('9','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('10','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('11','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('12','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('13','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO `LGR_stuff` (ADPreis,Lottojackpot,RentVehsPreis,TerrorSpawn,Lohnsteuer,Kirchensteuer,Mwst,Grundsteuer,OamtStandGebuer,Solidsteuer,PreisLicCar,PreisLicBike,PreisLicRoller,PreisLicPlane,PreisLicHeli,PreisLicBoat,TerrorContractRang,FMeldePreis,NewspaperPreis,NewspaperText1,NewspaperText2,NewspaperText3,NewspaperText4,NewspaperText5,NewspaperText6,NewspaperText7,NewspaperText8,NewsPaperRealeased,NewsPaperLager1,NewsPaperLager2,EisenLagger1,EisenLagger2,Kartfahrer1,KartTime1,FreemanPrice,SAPDpay,FBIpay,SAFDpay,ARMYpay,OAMTpay,GOVpay,WorkLessMoney,BlitzerToleranz,Reichensteuer,JobSperreFree,AngelLicPrice,PersoLicPrice,WeapPrice,ParkPrice) VALUES ('250','100000','50','0','2.2','1.4','19','2.6','150','1.2','1350','2000','500','10000','6750','4500','2','100','5','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','0','0','0','10000','5000','Niemand','0','100','500','500','500','500','500','500','400','5','25.5','500','75','50','5000','10')": Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('0','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('1','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('2','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('3','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('4','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('5','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('6','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('7','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('8','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('9','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('10','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('11','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('12','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('13','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('14','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('15','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('16','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:28:47] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('17','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:29:58] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_main (Name,Passwort,Email,Geschlecht) VALUES ('c0kkie','$2y$12$d4FpycqRk.vwC7FLb6KFTO2fKIaGO7LbHtcT14Uw.w2Bmhe6BI1qW','info@bosch-coding.dev','1')": Field 'Online' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:29:58] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_weapons (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'Waffen0' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:29:58] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_fish (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'FishID0' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:29:58] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_koffer (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'Slot0' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:29:58] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_inventar (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'c4' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:29:58] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_licenses (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'car' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:29:58] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_banksafe (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'safetresor' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:35:54] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_main (Name,Passwort,Email,Geschlecht) VALUES ('c0kkie','$2y$12$/GSEqIB69/8jEWonWLsan.3XmBuAyqBHkvPOslQO8SiGCc.5CP1eq','info@bosch-coding.dev','1')": Field 'Online' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:35:54] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_weapons (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'Waffen0' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:35:54] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_fish (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'FishID0' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:35:54] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_koffer (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'Slot0' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:35:54] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_inventar (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'c4' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:35:54] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_licenses (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'car' doesn't have a default value
[06/14/23 12:35:54] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_account_banksafe (Name) VALUES ('c0kkie')": Field 'safetresor' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1060 while executing query "ALTER TABLE LGR_account_main ADD COLUMN (`Friedhof` int(2) NOT NULL,`FriedhofZeit` int(4) NOT NULL,`ImKnast` int(2) NOT NULL,`KnastZeit` int(4) NOT NULL,`KnastKaution` int(2) NOT NULL,`Muted` int(2) NOT NULL,`MuteZeit` int(4) NOT NULL,`ImPrison` int(2) NOT NULL,`PrisonCPRun` int(6) NOT NULL,`PrisonCPGive` int(6) NOT NULL,`Morde` int(4) NOT NULL,`Tode` int(4) NOT NULL,`SkinID` int(3) NOT NULL,`FraktionSkinID` int(3) NOT NULL,`PaintBallKills` int(10) NOT NULL,`PaintBallTode` int(10) NOT NULL,`PaintBallRang` int(3) NOT NULL,`PaintBallBesuche` int(8) NOT NULL,`AngenommeneReports` int(6) NOT NULL,`KopfGeld` int(10) NOT NULL,`Bankkonto` int(2) NOT NULL,`pArmyPlaneOrder` int(2) NOT NULL,`pArmyHeliOrder` int(2) NOT NULL,`pArmyWaffenOrder` int(2) NOT NULL,`LevelUPKosten` int(10) NOT NULL,`RespectForLevelUp` int(6) NOT NULL,`RespectFromPayday` int(6) NOT NULL,`TimeAfterRegister` int(12) NOT NULL,`Time4Payday` int(3) NOT NULL,`HabGeworben` int(2) NOT NULL,`pPremium` int(128) NOT NULL,`GeworbenerSpieler` varchar(24) NOT NULL,`TimeoutCrashExeorKick` int(3) NOT NULL,`PropertyClearTime` int(128) NOT NULL,`pScheinSperre` int(128) NOT NULL,`DigiHud` int(2) NOT NULL,`Bonus` int(2) NOT NULL,`pOrgLeader` int(4) NOT NULL,`pOrgMember` int(4) NOT NULL,`pLohn` int(12) NOT NULL,`WaitPerso` int(128) NOT NULL)": Duplicate column name 'Friedhof'
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1060 while executing query "ALTER TABLE LGR_account_main ADD COLUMN (`pMarried` varchar(24) NOT NULL,`pBuyClothes` int(6) NOT NULL,`pTsIdent` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`pIll` int(10) NOT NULL,`pConterminatedTime` int(10) NOT NULL,`pBitchSkill` int(10) NOT NULL,`pBitchFuckCount` int(10) NOT NULL,`pMedicHealplayerSkill` int(10) NOT NULL,`pMedicHealCount` int(10) NOT NULL)": Duplicate column name 'pMarried'
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('0','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('1','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('2','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('3','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('4','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('5','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('6','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('7','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('8','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('9','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('10','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('11','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('12','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_gangwar (GangZoneID,GangWarZoneOwner) VALUES ('13','0')": Field 'GangWarZoneAttacker' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO `LGR_stuff` (ADPreis,Lottojackpot,RentVehsPreis,TerrorSpawn,Lohnsteuer,Kirchensteuer,Mwst,Grundsteuer,OamtStandGebuer,Solidsteuer,PreisLicCar,PreisLicBike,PreisLicRoller,PreisLicPlane,PreisLicHeli,PreisLicBoat,TerrorContractRang,FMeldePreis,NewspaperPreis,NewspaperText1,NewspaperText2,NewspaperText3,NewspaperText4,NewspaperText5,NewspaperText6,NewspaperText7,NewspaperText8,NewsPaperRealeased,NewsPaperLager1,NewsPaperLager2,EisenLagger1,EisenLagger2,Kartfahrer1,KartTime1,FreemanPrice,SAPDpay,FBIpay,SAFDpay,ARMYpay,OAMTpay,GOVpay,WorkLessMoney,BlitzerToleranz,Reichensteuer,JobSperreFree,AngelLicPrice,PersoLicPrice,WeapPrice,ParkPrice) VALUES ('250','100000','50','0','2.2','1.4','19','2.6','150','1.2','1350','2000','500','10000','6750','4500','2','100','5','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','NO-ONE','0','0','0','10000','5000','Niemand','0','100','500','500','500','500','500','500','400','5','25.5','500','75','50','5000','10')": Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('0','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('1','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('2','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('3','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('4','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('5','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('6','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('7','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('8','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('9','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('10','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('11','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('12','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('13','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('14','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('15','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('16','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
[06/15/23 04:00:12] [plugins/mysql] error #1364 while executing query "INSERT INTO LGR_fraktion_verwaltung (fID,Geld,Opium,Ganja,Kokain,C4,Materials,WaffenPack,WaffenSlots,Heal,HealSlots,Armour,ArmourSlots,HaveVBInvite,VBFraktion,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) VALUES ('17','500000','0','0','0','0','200000','1','50','1','50','1','50','0','0','R0','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6')": Field 'GFFID' doesn't have a default value
Moin Leute habe folgendes Problem und zwar habe ich ein Script auf OpenMp umschreiben lassen und jetzt hab ich es auf dem vServer liegen und wenn ich den starten will kommt folgendes in der Log.
Cannot exec './omp-server': No such file or directory
Ja das habe ich
hab ich schon und der MYSQL Server läuft extern auf nem Webserver
Ja läuft aber ich hab keine Ahnung wieso ich keine verbindung hergestellt bekomme
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[19:31:08] password = "" (string)
[19:31:08] filterscripts = "" (string)
[19:31:08] Server Plugins
[19:31:08] --------------
[19:31:08] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[19:31:08] CrashDetect v4.13.1-lse is OK.
[19:31:08] Loaded.
[19:31:08] Loading plugin: mysql
[19:31:08] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded.
[19:31:08] Loaded.
[19:31:08] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[19:31:08] Loaded.
[19:31:08] Loading plugin: sscanf
[19:31:08] ===============================
[19:31:08] sscanf plugin loaded.
[19:31:08] Version: 2.8.1
[19:31:08] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[19:31:08] ===============================
[19:31:08] Loaded.
[19:31:08] Loaded 4 plugins.
[19:31:08] Filterscripts
[19:31:08] ---------------
[19:31:08] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[19:31:08] =======================================
[19:31:08] | |
[19:31:08] | YSI version 3.09.0684 |
[19:31:08] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[19:31:08] | |
[19:31:08] =======================================
[19:31:08] DEBUG » Callback 'OnGameModeInit' wurde ausgeführt.
[19:31:08] MYSQL » Es konnte keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden.
[19:31:08] MYSQL » Es wird erneut versucht eine Verbindung zur Datenbank herzustellen.
[19:31:08] MYSQL » Es konnte keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden.
[19:31:08] SERVER » Server wird nun heruntergefahren.
[19:31:08] Number of vehicle models: 0
[19:31:08] --- Server Shutting Down.
[19:31:08] SERVER » Speichervorgang wurde eingeleitet.
[19:31:08] SERVER » Gangzonen gespeichert 14/14
[19:31:08] SERVER » Drogenpflanzen gespeichert 0/50
[19:31:08] SERVER » Funkmasten gespeichert 0/50
[19:31:08] SERVER » Werbetafeln gespeichert 22/22
[19:31:08] SERVER » Rennen gespeichert 0/50
[19:31:08] SERVER » Schwarzmärkte gespeichert 1/20
[19:31:08] SERVER » Serverdaten wurden gespeichert
[19:31:08] SERVER » Wetteinsätze wurden gespeichert
[19:31:08] SERVER » Fraktionsvewaltungen gespeichert 18/18
[19:31:08] SERVER » Gutscheine gespeichert 1/50
[19:31:08] SERVER » Häuser gespeichert 1/300
[19:31:08] SERVER » Fraktionsfahrzeuge gespeichert 0/500
[19:31:08] SERVER » Businesse gespeichert 1/100
[19:31:08] SERVER » Organisationen gespeichert 0/10
[19:31:08] SERVER » Parteien gespeichert 0/5
[19:31:08] SERVER » Speichervorgang erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
[19:31:08] SERVER » Server wird nun heruntergefahren.
[19:31:08] DEBUG » Server brauchte für das Runterfahren 11 ms.
[19:31:08] DEBUG » Callback 'OnGameModeExit' wurde ausgeführt.
[19:31:08] plugin.mysql: Unloading plugin...
[19:31:11] plugin.mysql: Plugin unloaded.
*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.5.2 by Incognito unloaded ***
[19:31:11] ===============================
[19:31:11] sscanf plugin unloaded.
[19:31:11] ===============================
[19:21:34] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2013) Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[19:21:34] [WARNING] CMySQLHandle::Create - connection already exists
[19:21:34] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2013) Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[19:21:34] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2013) Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[19:21:34] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2013) Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[19:21:34] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2013) Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[19:21:34] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2013) Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[19:21:34] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2013) Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[19:21:34] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2013) Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[19:25:18] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
[19:25:18] [WARNING] CMySQLHandle::Create - connection already exists
[19:25:20] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
[19:25:20] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
[19:25:20] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
[19:25:20] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
[19:25:22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
[19:25:22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
[19:25:22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
Hier noch der mysql log
und wenn ich den versuche zu starten kommt das
root@lxc765:~# cd /home/Westside\ Stories\ Serverskript/
root@lxc765:/home/Westside Stories Serverskript# ./samp03svr
-bash: ./samp03svr: No such file or directory
root@lxc765:/home/Westside Stories Serverskript# ./samp03svr start
-bash: ./samp03svr: No such file or directory
root@lxc765:/home/Westside Stories Serverskript#
Ja habs gerade gemacht funktioniert wieder
aber ein Problem ist noch der Server bekommt keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt.
der streamer ist ja drin aber trotzdem gibt er mir den fehler
C:\Users\pasiy\Desktop\SAMP\Pure Roleplay relased von Samet\gamemodes\GeTmyselfmade.pwn(24) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "streamer"
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
1 Error.
Moin und zwar kann ich bei mirr auf meinem PC keine Gamemodes Compilen ich weiß nicht wieso aber jedesmal wenn ich ein script compile kommen errors und ich hab die vermutung das ich da irgend ein Programm benötige was mir die benötigten sachen installiert.
Ich da ich Zurzeit mein eigenes Selfmade mache und damit dann einen Server raus bringen möchte.
LoG ist auch noch da wo bis zu 10 Leute noch am Tag drauf sind und GTA Reallife.
Tatsächlich nicht würde gerne mehr machen aber ohne die Serverleitung kann ich halt keine Videos groß machen um diese hier vielleicht hochzuladen
Wenn wir es bis Morgen Abend um 20 Uhr Schaffen 30 User drauf zu bekommen wird meiner Seit ein 6 Stunden Event geplant
Also ich muss sagen das mir SAMP auf Nova noch viel Spaß macht da es der einzige belebte Server noch isst.