Hacker spamt gerade Server BITTE HILFE

  • Hallo Zusammen,

    schon die ganze Zeit kommen immer wieder 50-250 Accounts Online... und loggen sich sofort wieder aus? Wie kann ich das stoppen?

    Bitte sehr um Hilfe

    Gruß Metin2

  • am besten für 1-2 min oder länger server closen ;)

  • hmm mich würde intressieren ob das was mit MAXNPCs zutun hat...

  • Geht nicht bekommt immer wieder neue IP das Teil!

  • Für sowas gibt es doch glaube ich anti flood Filterscripts. Habe jetzt nicht so die ahnung von Flooding, aber dieses hat mich bis jetzt immer geschützt. :D
    Es kann natürlich auch sein, das niemalsein Angriff auf meinem Server statt gefunden hat, das weiß ich ja nicht genau.

    // This script stops server-crashers applications which join virtual players
    // several times to a server, to make it crash.
    // Tenshi
    #include <a_samp>
    /// Start of configuration /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    #define TIME_LIMIT 1 // In minutes
    #define MAX_JOINS 4 // Maximum allowed amount of joins from a same IP that the server allows in the TIME_LIMIT before banning.

    #define EXPECTED_JOINS 50 // This value must be higher than the amount of expected player joins (from same IP or not) during TIME_LIMIT.
    // more: for EXPECTED_JOINS, if you have players from 1 to 75, this is ok, over 175 players try setting to 100 to 150.
    // Also, don't worry if server has 200 players and server crashes or restart, everything is already taken care of by resetting.

    #define SHOW_MESSAGE 1 // 0 or 1. Whether to show a message to all players or not when a server-crash attempt is stopped.
    #define LOG_FLOODER 1 // 0 or 1, Log bans that are caused by the flooder ( default is set to 1 = log )
    ////////////////////////////////////////////////// End of configuration ////////
    #define MAX_IP 32
    forward ResetRecord();

    new IPRecord[ EXPECTED_JOINS ][ MAX_IP ],

    new Timer;
    new ServerRestartPause = 0;

    public OnFilterScriptInit()
    print(" Anti-join-flooding script loaded.");
    Timer = SetTimer("ResetRecord", TIME_LIMIT * 60000, 1);

    SetTimer("ServerUptimeSetRestart", 11000, 0); // 11 seconds of pause on restarts
    // (above) This timer will ONLY work once every reload or restart (yey');
    // This is needed to prevent accidental banning from multiple PC users on the same IP
    // when the server restarts for what ever reason, removing or editing this is NOT smart.
    return 1;

    public OnFilterScriptExit()
    print(" Anti-join-flooding script unloaded.");
    return 1;

    public ServerUptimeSetRestart() { ServerRestartPause = 1; }
    forward ServerUptimeSetRestart();
    public ResetRecord() { IPIndex = 0; } // Reset the IP list.

    public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    if (ServerRestartPause){
    // start code;
    new JoinCount;

    if(IPIndex > 0)
    for(new i; i < IPIndex; i ++)
    if(!strcmp(PlayerIP(playerid), IPRecord[i]))
    JoinCount ++;

    if(JoinCount >= MAX_JOINS)
    return 1;

    if(IPIndex >= EXPECTED_JOINS)

    strmid(IPRecord[IPIndex], PlayerIP(playerid), 0, MAX_IP, MAX_IP); // Record the IP
    IPIndex ++;
    // end of code

    return 1;
    // Stock -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    stock BanIP(playerid)
    #if LOG_FLOODER == 1
    new filename[128], y, m, d;
    getdate(y, m, d);
    format(filename, sizeof(filename), "FlooderBan.txt", y, m);
    new File:tmpfile = fopen(filename, io_write);
    new File:sfhandler = fopen(filename, io_append),
    new h,mi,s; gettime(h,mi,s);
    format(sfilestr, sizeof(sfilestr),

    // Details by Month / Day / Year / Hour / Minute / Second Then Players name and the Players IP.
    "| %02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d (M/D/Y H:M:S) | > Flooder: %s (IP:%s). \r\n",
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    m, d, y, h, mi, s, PlayerName(playerid), PlayerIP(playerid));
    fwrite(sfhandler, sfilestr); fclose(sfhandler);

    new string[128];

    #if SHOW_MESSAGE == 1
    format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s has been banned: Connection Flooding Attempt.", PlayerIP(playerid));
    SendClientMessageToAll(0xff3333ff, string);

    printf("Banned %s(%d), %s. Connection flooding.", PlayerName(playerid), playerid, PlayerIP(playerid));

    format(string, sizeof(string), "banip %s", PlayerIP(playerid));
    // Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
    new ip[MAX_IP];
    GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, MAX_IP);
    return ip;

    new name[MAX_IP];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    return name;
    // E.O.Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • Pacepalm, dacht jetzt... du willst mich als Script Kiddy bezeichnen, Sorry die ganze Aufregung gerade...

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