Hallo, Ich habe heut um 2Uhr Angefangen den Standard Godfather auf Deutsch zu Übersetzten!
Meine Fragen:
Lohnt es sich Diesen zu Releasen?
Würde er Genutzt werden?
Just to begin with, i've never taken any credit of parts that were created by Astro (Denver) aka
Denver the creator of PEN1.
Valhalla Gaming Comunity has indeed paid me for this very script you are about to read, where they
only paid for the systems and parts that were created by me.
They received this script a few months ago, and their server owner is trying to rip me off.
Due to this fact + i'm not scripting anymore, i release this script so that everyone can use it.
Credits to Astro.
Credits to Tratulla for his 2 .ini Functions.
Credits to the Fuel System creator on SA-MP forums.
Credits to Morph for the Name Showing timer.
Stand by Storm1337:
Übersetzt bis 8214 am 10.10.2012 um 2:55Uhr!