VB.NET Radio Musik Titel herrausfinden

  • Heyho leute wie finde ich bei Visual Basic bei einem Radio den Radio Musik Titel herraus der gerade läuft.

    "Imagine if the government went after corruption as hard as it goes after guys who run filesharing sites. Priorities. " - @Snowden
    "More worrying than FBI temporarily running a server that contained child porn, is hacking computers anywhere in the world with one warrant" - @josephfcox

  • Wieso das denn ? Ich habe viele Programme gesehen die das können. Auch Apps sehen den Aktuellen Titel.

    "Imagine if the government went after corruption as hard as it goes after guys who run filesharing sites. Priorities. " - @Snowden
    "More worrying than FBI temporarily running a server that contained child porn, is hacking computers anywhere in the world with one warrant" - @josephfcox