Steam Buggy AF

  • Nothing more to say.
    Irgendwelche vorschläge?

    Flushconfig hab ich bereits gemacht hat nichts geholfen.

    "Imagine if the government went after corruption as hard as it goes after guys who run filesharing sites. Priorities. " - @Snowden
    "More worrying than FBI temporarily running a server that contained child porn, is hacking computers anywhere in the world with one warrant" - @josephfcox

  • Einfach 2 Minuten warten, bis der Server bei Steam mit dem CS und Bilder Daten wieder online ist und dann neu laden?

    Achja, Steam hat mehrere Server die die Webseite 'betreiben' wenn einer abwürgt, stehst du so da.

  • Ist nicht mein Internet. Meine Browser laden alles Perfekt.

    Nur halt im Steamclient nicht :(

    "Imagine if the government went after corruption as hard as it goes after guys who run filesharing sites. Priorities. " - @Snowden
    "More worrying than FBI temporarily running a server that contained child porn, is hacking computers anywhere in the world with one warrant" - @josephfcox

  • @Hendersin

    Wie mach ich das :)?

    "Imagine if the government went after corruption as hard as it goes after guys who run filesharing sites. Priorities. " - @Snowden
    "More worrying than FBI temporarily running a server that contained child porn, is hacking computers anywhere in the world with one warrant" - @josephfcox

  • Negativ - hat nichts gebracht.

    Ich will möglichst mein Steam nicht neuinstallieren (wegen den Spielen etc.)



    Darin alles löschen - klappt wieder :)

    "Imagine if the government went after corruption as hard as it goes after guys who run filesharing sites. Priorities. " - @Snowden
    "More worrying than FBI temporarily running a server that contained child porn, is hacking computers anywhere in the world with one warrant" - @josephfcox