Launcher help?

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  • Hallo, ich google verwenden zur Kommunikation übersetzen, aber nichts dagegen tun.
    Ich möchte fragen Sie im Bereich von 0 SAMP Roleplay -Launcher zu arbeiten, wie man das nicht spielen klicken können, wenn Sie nicht gültige Informationen eingegeben haben.

    Zusätzlich zu sagen, schrieben wir den Launcher 1/200 Spieler

    Bitte erklären Sie mir, was leichter Anfänger selbst. vielen dank

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  • I think we should talk in English. Your German translation is very bad.

    Your problem is, that you want to implement a feature, which is able to connect the user with a SAMP server, right?

    Im need how to install samp query / api im noob for that, and im need how to add players statistic on launcher with good login system.
    First samp api how to install im cant find tutorial and after that how to add players statistic on launcer Visual Basic.

    Second im need better login system my is now: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("samp://")

    But im will to add on launcher UserName and Password that somebody login without join on server, if its posible this...

    Im sory for germany :P Bosnia bro :9

  • there is no Installation you have to write such a code by your own.
    As alternativ you can connect to a php script about sockets and get the data about the php samp query api for server statistics.

    For using a client for logging into a server you can take a look on the thread socket/ server visual basic and the other similar thread on the bottom of the website.