Guten Tag liebe Breadfish Community,
ich hab mir einen Server gekauft ihm SA-MP, Ts3 und Forum aufgespielt.
Doch den SA-MP Server möchte er einfach nicht starten.
"Cannot exec './samp03svr': No such file or directory" ist die Nachricht die er mir dann bei Putty sendet.
Ich bedanke mich schonmal im Vorraus.
Ts3 Server startet nicht.
./ start found, but no server running. Possibly your previously started server crashed
Please view the logfile for details.
Starting the TeamSpeak 3 server
Please set the environment variable TS3SERVER_LICENSE to "accept" in order to accept the license agreement.
Alternatively, create a file named ".ts3server_license_accepted" in the working directory or start the server with the command line parameter "license_accepted=1".
To view the license agreement set TS3SERVER_LICENSE to "view" in order to print the license to the console.
Alternatively view the file "LICENSE" in your favorite text viewer yourself.
TeamSpeak 3 server could not start