"public functions may not return arrays" wie bekomme ich das weg?

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  • Hi! Ich wollte auf meinem Server Autorennen einbauen mit einer Highscore Liste! Aber immer wenn ich compilen will, bekomme ich die Meldung: error 090: public functions may not return arrays (symbol "ReadHighScoreList"). In diesem Code ist der Error in Zeile 59. Ich weiß absolut nicht, wie ich das wegbekomme.

    public ReadHighScoreList(track[256], display, playerid, all) //READ and DISPLAY Highscorelist
    new HSList[HIGH_SCORE_SIZE][rStats]; //Takes params trackname, if it is to be displayed on screen
    new FiPo[255]; //the player requesting the displaying and if it is to be
    new himsg[255]; //displayed to all clients
    if(strcmp(track, "", true ) ) { //if a parameter isn't passed
    track = gTrackName[gTrack]; //use current track
    format(FiPo, sizeof(FiPo), "%s/%s.txt", track);
    if(fexist(FiPo)) {
    new File: hsfile = fopen(FiPo, io_read);
    new line[256];
    new temp[256];
    new idx;
    if (display) {
    format(himsg, sizeof(himsg),"Current Highscorelist for %s\n", track);
    if(playerid==-1 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) && all) {
    SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_KHAKI, himsg); //Sweet khaki color... :D
    } else {
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, himsg);
    for(new i = 0; i <= sizeof(HSList)-1; i++) {
    fread(hsfile, line, sizeof(line));
    temp = strtok(line, idx);
    strmid(HSList[i][rName], temp, 0, strlen(temp), 255); //read racename (to be compatible
    temp = strtok(line, idx); //
    HSList[i][rTime] = strval(temp); //convert record to int
    temp = strtok(line, idx);
    strmid(HSList[i][rRacer], temp, 0, strlen(temp), 255);
    idx = 0; //reset idx to read more highscores
    if (HSList[i][rTime] == 0) { //check if record is not set (0) previously
    if (display) {
    new Minutes, Seconds, MSeconds, sSeconds[5], sMSeconds[5];
    timeconvert(HSList[i][rTime], Minutes, Seconds, MSeconds);
    if (Seconds < 10)format(sSeconds, sizeof(sSeconds), "0%d", Seconds);
    else format(sSeconds, sizeof(sSeconds), "%d", Seconds);
    if (MSeconds < 100)format(sMSeconds, sizeof(sMSeconds), "0%d", MSeconds);
    else format(sMSeconds, sizeof(sMSeconds), "%d", MSeconds);
    if (Minutes != 50)
    format(himsg, sizeof(himsg),"%d - %d:%s.%s by %s\n", i+1, Minutes, sSeconds, sMSeconds, HSList[i][rRacer]);
    else format(himsg, sizeof(himsg),"\n");
    if(playerid==-1 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) && all) {
    SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_KHAKI, himsg); //Sweet khaki color... :D
    } else {
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, himsg);
    } else { //if client passed as param a race that doesn't exist
    format(himsg, sizeof(himsg),"The track '%s' doesn't exist.\n", track);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, himsg); //Send errormsg privately even if admin
    if(!display) { //No need to return if it is being displayed
    return (HSList); //so warning 209 can be ignored.
    return (HSList);

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Goldkiller ()