Lies erst mal den letzten Beitrag, von diesem Thread:
FILTERSCRIPT Account filerscript
Beiträge von Nate
Danke es hat geklappt.
Ich habe einen LS Turf Wars Server.
habe es jetzt so:
#include <a_samp>
#if defined FILTERSCRIPTnew RandomMSG[][] =
"LS Turf Wars commands",
"/help | /turfhelp | /cmds | /credits",
"/pm <playerid> <message> | /tpm <message>",
"/buyweapon <weaponid> <amount> | /list | /list2",
"/givecash <playerid> <amount> | /bounties",
"/hitman <playerid> <amount>",
"/sellpoints <amount>",
"/report <playerid> <reason> | /me <message>",
"/tp - for Teleports",
"/car - carselecter",
forward SendMSG();public OnFilterScriptInit()
print("LS Turf Wars Info Fitlerscript by gtaturke54");
return 1;
}public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
}public OnGameModeInit()
return 1;
}public SendMSG()
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33CCFFAA, RandomMSG[random(sizeof(RandomMSG))]);
return 1;
#endifdas hier:
CodeC:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\info.pwn(18) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error.
habe den error bei google sprachtools überstetzt:
ungültigen Ausdruck, davon auszugehen, Null -
Jetzt steht das hier bei mir:
CodeC:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\info.pwn(19) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\info.pwn(19) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors.
So sieht es bei mir aus:
#include <a_samp>#define FILTERSCRIPT
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
new RandomMSG[][] =
"LS Turf Wars commands",
"/help | /turfhelp | /cmds | /credits",
"/pm <playerid> <message> | /tpm <message>",
"/buyweapon <weaponid> <amount> | /list | /list2",
"/givecash <playerid> <amount> | /bounties",
"/hitman <playerid> <amount>",
"/sellpoints <amount>",
"/report <playerid> <reason> | /me <message>",
"/tp - for Teleports",
"car - carselecter",
};forward SendMSG();
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print("LS Turf Wars Ino Fitlerscript by gtaturke54");
return 1;
}public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
}public OnGameModeInit()
return 1;
}public SendMSG()
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33CCFFAA, RandomMSG[random(sizeof(RandomMSG))]);
return 1;
#endif -
Das ist ja deiner, nur ich habe es für mich bearbeitet.
Habe dich nicht verstanden.
Was soll ich nochma machen??? -
Kann mir jemand bei diesem Script helfen???:
#include <a_samp>#define FILTERSCRIPT
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
new RandomMSG[][] =
"LS Turf Wars commands",
"/help | /turfhelp | /cmds | /credits",
"/pm <playerid> <message> | /tpm <message>",
"/buyweapon <weaponid> <amount> | /list | /list2",
"/givecash <playerid> <amount> | /bounties"
"/hitman <playerid> <amount>",
"/sellpoints <amount>",
"/report <playerid> <reason> | /me <message>",
"/tp - for Teleports",
"car - carselecter",*/
};forward SendMSG();
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print("LS Turf Wars Ino Fitlerscript by gtaturke54");
return 1;
}public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
}public OnGameModeInit()
return 1;
}public SendMSG()
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33CCFFAA, RandomMSG[random(sizeof(RandomMSG))]);
return 1;
#endifDas ist das Problem:
CodeC:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\info.pwn(14) : error 001: expected token: "}", but found "-string-" C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\info.pwn(19) : error 010: invalid function or declaration Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors.
Kann mir jemand helfen???
ich sage ja nur meinung. -
Wieso passiert mir sowas nicht???
Um so besser. -
das ist echt komisch. -
Das ist ja komisch.
Bei mir passiert sowas nicht. -
Die Gangs werden doch gespeichert.
Du musst einfach die Befehle eingeben. Schon geht es. -
da kann ich dir dann nicht weiter helfen. -
Hier nimm meinen FS:
FILTERSCRIPT Account filerscript -
Es hat sehr gut geholfen. -
Alles anzeigenC:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\pawno\stunt.pwn(37) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\pawno\stunt.pwn(38) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\pawno\stunt.pwn(39) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\pawno\stunt.pwn(40) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\pawno\stunt.pwn(125) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\pawno\stunt.pwn(126) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\pawno\stunt.pwn(127) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" C:\Users\*Zensiert*\Desktop\pawno\stunt.pwn(150) : warning 217: loose indentation Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 3 Errors.
Hier die Datei:Code
Alles anzeigen#include <a_samp> #if defined FILTERSCRIPT public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("\n--------------------------------------"); print(" Stuntairport by gtaturke54"); print("--------------------------------------\n"); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { return 1; } #else main() { print("\n----------------------------------"); print(" Stuntairport by gtaturke54"); print("----------------------------------\n"); } #endif public OnGameModeInit() { CreateObject(13627, 1739.19, -2797.29, 13.2734, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13609, 1810.42, -2876.45, 1.57344, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1634, 1671.29, -2861.37, 15.8734, 0, 0, 270); CreateObject(13662, 1490.84, -2871.19, 12.5469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13664, 1490.84 -2871.19, 12.5469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13663, 1490.84 -2871.19, 12.5469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13665, 1490.84 -2871.19, 12.5469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(16357, 1794.76 -2722.74, 4.2469, 0, 8, 90); CreateObject(3665, 1480.84, -2637.6, 19.45, 21, 0, 0); CreateObject(13604, 1380.06, -2585.77, 17.7125, 0, 0, 270); CreateObject(3665, 1381.12, -2541.38, 14.25, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(16357, 1489.88, -2523.21, 37.7469, 0, 338, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1424.8, -2525.23, 64.0469, 0, 331, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1402.45, -2521.9, 68.4469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1402.32, -2503.61, 68.4469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1411.05, -2531.24, 78.9469, 0, 270, 270); CreateObject(3115, 1398.7, -2531.24, 78.9469, 0, 270, 270); CreateObject(3115, 1392.21, -2521.91, 78.9469, 0, 270, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1392.21, -2505.44, 78.9469, 0, 270, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1461, -2497.61, 69.8469, 345, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1460.95, -2489.47, 74.1469, 330, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1460.87, -2485.32, 78.8469, 315, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1460.78, -2482.2, 84.3469, 300, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1440.98, -2466.44, 93.3469, 345, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1440.99, -2453.9, 98.6469, 330, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1440.99, -2445.25, 105.647, 315, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1440.98, -2435.18, 118.647, 300, 0, 0); CreateObject(4881, 1362.48, -2528.08, 91.06, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(4881, 1370.37, -2491.74, 90.498, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(3665, 1360.29, -2468.37, 118.35, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 1432.03, -2416.81, 116.355, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(987, 1424.13, -2416.81, 116.355, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(987, 1412.32, -2416.7, 116.355, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 1412.32, -2428.52, 116.355, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 1412.32, -2440.39, 116.355, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 1401.56, -2456.66, 116.355, 0, 0, 333); CreateObject(987, 1412.41, -2447.19, 116.355, 0, 0, 134); CreateObject(987, 1389.77, -2456.58, 116.355, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, 1381.31, -2456.58, 116.355, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, 1383.25, -2476.19, 116.255, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, 1395.02, -2476.19, 116.255, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, 1406.86, -2476.19, 116.255, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, 1414.67, -2476.19, 116.255, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, 1426.97, -2474.22, 116.255, 0, 0, 161); CreateObject(987, 1428.61, -2472.26, 116.255, 0, 0, 141); CreateObject(987, 1431.11, -2467.6, 116.255, 0, 0, 124); CreateObject(987, 1431.04, -2460.21, 116.255, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 1431.04, -2448.33, 116.255, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(10948, 1429.97, -2476.5, 74.1547, 0, 0, 270); CreateObject(16357, 1505.48, -2427.42, 84.88, 0, 337, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1583.07, -2426.54, 56.8469, 0, 15, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1583.57, -2426.58, 58.0469, 0, 30, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1586.36, -2426.48, 59.2469, 0, 45, 0); CreateObject(4853, 1520.45, -2489.72, 15.0547, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(4853, 1610.94, -2489.72, 15.0547, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13636, 1597.09, -2543.06, 14.6469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3663, 1625.09, -2477.72, 14.4688, 0, 0, 322); CreateObject(3754, 1615.11, -2592.5, 17.0938, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13641, 1680.82, -2489.72, 14.1547, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(13635, 1758.83, -2593.4, 16.0469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13642, 1735.75, -2460.65, 14.4469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13642, 1761.75, -2457.29, 14.4469, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(13635, 1758.83, -2593.4, 16.0469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13643, 1774.83, -2540.96, 13.7469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13643, 1790.67, -2540.96, 13.7469, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(4853, 1977.54, -2647.86, 25.0547, 0, 338, 0); CreateObject(4853, 1896.89, -2647.84, 57.637, 0, 338, 0); CreateObject(16357, 1971.76, -2625.93, 50.9469, 0, 330, 0); CreateObject(16357, 1822.75, -2625.93, 90.8469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1740.14, -2625.94, 93.3469, 0, 345, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1739.02, -2625.95, 94.4469, 0, 330, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1737.11, -2625.87, 94.4469, 0, 315, 0); CreateObject(3115, 1732.65, -2625.84, 97.4469, 0, 300, 0); CreateObject(13604, 1974.59, -2593.82, 14.2125, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13604, 1919.87, -2497.64, 14.2125, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3665, 2066.6, -2541.38, 14.25, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(1634, 2053.8, -2448.9, 17.93, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(1634, 2034.29, -2435.48, 13.7125, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(13590, 1944.97, -2449.24, 13.7469, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(13590, 1950.42, -2395.99, 13.7469, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(13591, 1913.11, -2376.1, 13.0125, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(13591, 1923.16, -2375.86, 13.0125, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(17936, 1981.21, -2380.93, 43.8125, 0, 90, 90); CreateObject(987, 1991.71, -2386.51, 82.17, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 1991.71, -2379.74, 82.17, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 1979.89, -2379.72, 82.17, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, 1970.75, -2379.72, 82.17, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, 1970.88, -2379.64, 82.17, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(987, 1970.88, -2386.57, 82.17, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(3115, 1981.21, -2389.09, 81.97, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1232, 1970.81, -2398.29, 90.37, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1232, 1970.87, -2379.8, 90.37, 0, 0, 0) CreateObject(1232, 1991.65, -2379.85, 90.37, 0, 0, 0) CreateObject(1232, 1991.61, -2398.04, 90.37, 0, 0, 0) CreateObject(13592, 1886.32, -2443.5, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1878.88, -2443.72, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1871.46, -2443.92, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1864.27, -2444.12, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1856.92, -2444.39, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1849.89, -2444.59, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1842.82, -2444.83, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1835.52, -2445.03, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1828.17, -2445.22, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(13592, 1821.09, -2445.42, 22.4547, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(1634, 1658.13, -2465, 13.7547, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1654.07, -2465, 13.7547, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1650, -2465, 13.7547, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1645.91, -2465, 13.7547, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1645.91, -2471.4, 17.8547, 15, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1650, -2471.4, 17.8547, 15, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1654.07, -2471.4, 17.8547, 15, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1658.13, -2471.4, 17.8547, 15, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1658.13, -2476.27, 23.1547, 30, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1654.07, -2476.27, 23.1547, 30, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1650, -2476.27, 23.1547, 30, 0, 180); CreateObject(1634, 1645.91, -2476.27, 23.1547, 30, 0, 180); CreateObject(1612, 1725.37, -2506.67, 24.6469, 329, 180, 0); return 1; } public OnGameModeExit() { return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if (strcmp("/stunt", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { SetPlayerPos(playerid,920.4546, -2466.5815, 13.5391); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "You are teleported to stunt /stunt"); return 1; } return 0; }
Kann jemand mir bei diesen Thema helfen????…age=Thread&threadID=40009Danke im Voraus.
das könnte klappen. werde es versuchen.
Mit diesen FS können sich Leute in euren Server einloggen, also /register [passwort] /login [passwort]