LeonMrBonnie glaube das ich das jetzt so habe, kann ich das mit diesen Fehlern irgendwie direkt rückrängig machen oder muss ich das wirklich von Hand aus machen?
LeonMrBonnie glaube das ich das jetzt so habe, kann ich das mit diesen Fehlern irgendwie direkt rückrängig machen oder muss ich das wirklich von Hand aus machen?
LeonMrBonnie warum werden beim mir bspw. Job Kündigen InGame so komisch angezeigt?
irgendeinen x beliebigen Namen wählen? LeonMrBonnie
LeonMrBonnie dort stand ich sollte einfach nur mein Script öffnen und dann irgendwo auf tasks drücken und dann configure tasks LeonMrBonnie also denke ich nicht wie oder wo mach ich das
Wo finde ich denn nun die Tasks die ich bearbeiten soll?
From inside Visual Studio, click on Tasks > Configure Tasks. You should see a new file named tasks.json has opened up. In the file, copy and paste the following into it:
Ich glaube ich habe es gefunden aber jedes mal kommt Tasks are only available on a workspace folder. LeonMrBonnie
Part Two - Setting up the compiler
Lets begin setting up the compiler.
Start off by creating a shortcut for Visual Studio. Simply right click on Visual Studio Code.exe and click on 'Create Shotcut.' Once you've done that, drag the created shortcut into the folder of your project. For example, I have folder solely dedicated to my server. It has everything including the SAMP server package in it. Thats where my .pwn files are, so I'll put the .exe in there.
Once you done that, run the .exe shortcut you just created from inside your projects folder. Right after you open Visual Studio Code from your projects folder, you should notice that a .vscode folder has been created where the .exe launched from.
The .vscode folder will be created right after you launch the .exe from your projects folder.
Once you've seen that a folder has been automatically created, head back into Visual Studio Code.
From inside Visual Studio, click on Tasks > Configure Tasks. You should see a new file named tasks.json has opened up. In the file, copy and paste the following into it:
Was wollen die von mir haha
Mein "Projekt Ordner" sieht so aus starte ich Visual Studio Code kommt aber nicht diese .vscode datei in den Ordner
Wie kann ich mit Microsoft Visual Studio scripten/compilen?
Hey habe "zwei" Probleme
Und zwar Ich habe ein veh Befehl mit dem Ich ein Adminfahrzeug erstelle dies klappt auch alles schön und gut jedoch möchte ich beim erstellen des Fahrzeugs das Kennzeichen [RTG]ADMIN bekommen dies ist bisher leider nicht der Fall gewesen habe es mit vehid versucht und mit veh Code zum Verständnis folgt
if(!isAdmin(playerid, 3))return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_DARKRED, NOADMIN_MESSAGE);
new vehid,color[2], Float:Pos[4];
if(sscanf(params,"ddd",vehid,color[0],color[1]))return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"[INFO]: /veh [Model] [Farbe1] [Farbe2]");
new veh;
veh = CreateVehicle(vehid,Pos[0],Pos[1],Pos[2],Pos[3],color[0],color[1],-1, 1);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, veh, 0);
SetVehicleNumberPlate(vehid, "[RTG]Admin");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[ADMININFO]: Du hast dir ein Fahrzeug gespawnt");
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Mein RepVeh befehl funktioniert leider teilweise bis gar nicht
Maho beim Gmx wird das fahrzeug leider trotzdem nicht geladen
Ahhh Gut zu wissen, fehler gibt es
enum pDataEnum
Alles anzeigen
new fInfo[][FraktionsEnum] = {
{"Zivilist", 1643.1163,-2240.8452,13.4911, 0.0, 0, 0,COLOR_WHITE}, //Zivi
{"San Andreas Police Department", 1552.7979,-1675.6913,16.1953, 0.0, 0, 0,COLOR_LSPD}, //Staat
{"San Andreas Medical Center", 1177.4725,-1323.4077,14.0724, 0.0, 0, 0,COLOR_RED}, //Staat
{"San Andreas Ordnungsamt", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, COLOR_OAMT}, //Staat
{"San Andreas News", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, COLOR_SAN_NEWS}, //Staat
{"La Cosa Nostra", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, COLOR_WHITE}, //Mafia
{"Yakuza", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, COLOR_WHITE}, //Mafia
{"Triaden", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, COLOR_WHITE}, //Mafia
{"Rollin´ Heights Ballas", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, COLOR_WHITE}, //Gang
{"Grove Street Family", 2495.8511, -1708.2319, 1014.7422, 0.6267, 3, 1, COLOR_WHITE}, //Gang
{"Los Santos Vagos", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, COLOR_WHITE} //Gang
Alles anzeigen
Mein Fraktionsenum:
enum FraktionsEnum{
Mein Stats Command:
ocmd:stats(playerid, params[])
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"ID: %i\nName: %s\nLevel: %i\nBargeld: %i$\nBeruf:[PLATZHALTER]\nFraktion: %s",playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pName], PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney],fInfo[playerid][f_name]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 3, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Statistiken",string, "Bestätigen", "");
return 1;
Scheint als würde ich es nirgendwo aufrufen Kaliber
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(cInfo); i++)
cInfo[i][besitzer] = PlayerInfo[playerid][p_id];
cInfo[i][c_x] = x;
cInfo[i][c_y] = y;
cInfo[i][c_z] = z;
cInfo[i][c_r] = r;
cInfo[i][model]= modelid;
cInfo[i][carcolor] = carcolor;
cInfo[i][carcolor2] = carcolor2;
cInfo[i][id_x] = CreateVehicle(modelid, x, y, z, r, carcolor, carcolor2, -1);
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"[ADMININFO] Das Auto cInfo[%i] wurde erstellt.",i);
saveCarToDB(playerid,i); //<= Denke du meinst das
return 1;
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Kann es sein das du das meinst?
public OnUserLogin(playerid)
new rows;
if(rows == 0)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "[RTG]Anmeldung", "Bitte logge dich ein gebe dazu dein Passwort in das Eingabefeld ein:\n{FF0000}Falsches Passwort!", "Bestätigen", "Abbrechen");
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", PlayerInfo[playerid][p_id]);
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "level", PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]);
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "money", PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney]);
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "kills", PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills]);
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "deaths", PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths]);
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "adminlevel", PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "fraktion", PlayerInfo[playerid][pFraktion]);
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "rang", PlayerInfo[playerid][pRang]);
cache_get_value_name_int(0, "spawnchange", PlayerInfo[playerid][pSpawnchange]);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoggedIn] = true;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[INFO] Du hast dich erfolgreich Eingeloggt.");
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney]);
loadPlayerCars(playerid); //das hier?
new nachricht[128];
format(nachricht,sizeof(nachricht),"[INFO] Du bist mit der ID %i verbunden.",playerid);
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Habe beide Fahrzeuge aus der Datenbank gelöscht, Habe den MySQL log gecleart, habe den Server gestartet habe den Befehl /createcar [playerid] [vID] eingegeben daraufhin habe ich mich ausgeloggt erneut eingeloggt Fahrzeug stand dort, habe einen gmx gemacht Fahrzeug weg
[23:53:25] [INFO] changed log level from 'warning, error' to 'debug, info, warning, error'
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] mysql_connect("", "root", "*****", "samp_db", 0)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Create(this=0x589638, host='', user='root', pass='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:53:25] [INFO] Creating new connection handle...
[23:53:25] [WARNING] mysql_connect: no password specified
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x58a858, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x5617b0
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x3987020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x5a1be0
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x3987020, connection=0x3987020)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0x3987020, connection=0x3987020)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::CConnectionPool(size=2, this=0x58a3d8)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x3b5c020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x5acf10
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x3b5c020)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x3b5c020)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x3d2b020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x5b64c0
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x3d2b020, connection=0x3d2b020)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0x3d2b020, connection=0x3d2b020)
[23:53:25] [INFO] Connection handle with id '1' successfully created.
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Create - new handle = 0x561098
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] mysql_connect: return value: '1'
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] mysql_errno(1)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CHandle::GetErrorId(this=0x561098)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CConnection::GetError(this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] CHandle::GetErrorId - return value: true, error id: '0', error msg: ''
[23:53:25] [DEBUG] mysql_errno: return value: '0'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C1014C, 128, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = '%e'")
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x561098, src='Dustin_West')
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '47'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'", "OnUserCheck", "d")
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0x2c10134, param_offset=5)
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 33
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:53:51] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=2, query=0x598b40)
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x598b40, this=0x58a3d8)
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598b40, this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598b40, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:53:51] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'" successfully executed within 0.302 milliseconds
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5acf10, query_str='SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'')
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x594aa8'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x5c4f80'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=33, num_params=1)
[23:53:51] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02C1034C)
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:53:51] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:53:51] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C0FF40, 256, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '%e' AND password = MD5('%e')")
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x561098, src='Dustin_West')
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x561098, src='´Dustin')
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='´Dustin', this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: '´Dustin'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '76'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('´Dustin')", "OnUserLogin", "d")
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0x2c0ff28, param_offset=5)
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 34
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:53:53] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=2, query=0x598718)
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x598718, this=0x58a3d8)
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598718, this=0x3d2b020, connection=0x5b64c0)
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598718, connection=0x5b64c0)
[23:53:53] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('´Dustin')" successfully executed within 0.277 milliseconds
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5b64c0, query_str='SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('´Dustin')')
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x594ed0'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x592970'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=34, num_params=1)
[23:53:53] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '34'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02C1034C)
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:53:53] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:53:53] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C0FF40, 256, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '%e' AND password = MD5('%e')")
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x561098, src='Dustin_West')
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x561098, src='Dustin')
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin', this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '75'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')", "OnUserLogin", "d")
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0x2c0ff28, param_offset=5)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 34
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:53:55] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=2, query=0x5984b8)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x5984b8, this=0x58a3d8)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x5984b8, this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x5984b8, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:53:55] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')" successfully executed within 0.306 milliseconds
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5acf10, query_str='SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')')
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x594e60'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x592c18'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] allocated 124 bytes for PAWN result
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=34, num_params=1)
[23:53:55] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '34'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02C1034C)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0x02BCD32C)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "level", 0x02BCD394)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '20'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "money", 0x02BCD3A8)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '30000'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "kills", 0x02BCD3AC)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "deaths", 0x02BCD3B4)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "adminlevel", 0x02BCD398)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '3'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "fraktion", 0x02BCD39C)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "rang", 0x02BCD3A0)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '6'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "spawnchange", 0x02BCD3A4)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C1001C, 200, "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=%d")
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '36'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1", "OnPlayerCarsLoad", "i")
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnPlayerCarsLoad', format='i', params=0x2c10004, param_offset=5)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnPlayerCarsLoad': 5
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'i' with parameter index 0
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:53:55] [INFO] Callback 'OnPlayerCarsLoad' set up for delayed execution.
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=1, query=0x598bd8)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598bd8, this=0x3987020, connection=0x5a1be0)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598bd8, connection=0x5a1be0)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:53:55] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:53:55] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1" successfully executed within 0.274 milliseconds
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5a1be0, query_str='SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1')
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x5bf438'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x578a08'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=5, num_params=1)
[23:53:55] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnPlayerCarsLoad' with 1 parameter...
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '5'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02C1034C)
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:53:55] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:53:55] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C0FD28, 200, "INSERT INTO autos (besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('%i','%i','%f','%f','%f','%f')")
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '110'
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "INSERT INTO autos (besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('0','411','139.157745','-71.552818','1.429688','245.945618')", "", "")
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='', format='', params=0x2c0fd14, param_offset=5)
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=1, query=0x598b40)
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598b40, this=0x3987020, connection=0x5a1be0)
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598b40, connection=0x5a1be0)
[23:54:06] [INFO] query "INSERT INTO autos (besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('0','411','139.157745','-71.552818','1.429688','245.945618')" successfully executed within 0.877 milliseconds
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5a1be0, query_str='INSERT INTO autos (besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('0','411','139.157745','-71.552818','1.429688','245.945618')')
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x5bf240'
[23:54:06] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C0FF28, 256, "UPDATE users SET level = '%d', money = '%d', kills = '%d', deaths = '%d', adminlevel = '%d', fraktion = '%d', rang = '%d', spawnchange = '%d' WHERE id = '%d'")
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '153'
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "UPDATE users SET level = '20', money = '30000', kills = '0', deaths = '0', adminlevel = '3', fraktion = '0', rang = '6', spawnchange = '0' WHERE id = '1'", "", "")
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='', format='', params=0x2c0ff14, param_offset=5)
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=2, query=0x598a10)
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x598a10, this=0x58a3d8)
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598a10, this=0x3d2b020, connection=0x5b64c0)
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598a10, connection=0x5b64c0)
[23:54:15] [INFO] query "UPDATE users SET level = '20', money = '30000', kills = '0', deaths = '0', adminlevel = '3', fraktion = '0', rang = '6', spawnchange = '0' WHERE id = '1'" successfully executed within 0.286 milliseconds
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5b64c0, query_str='UPDATE users SET level = '20', money = '30000', kills = '0', deaths = '0', adminlevel = '3', fraktion = '0', rang = '6', spawnchange = '0' WHERE id = '1'')
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x5bf400'
[23:54:15] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C1014C, 128, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = '%e'")
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x561098, src='Dustin_West')
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '47'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'", "OnUserCheck", "d")
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0x2c10134, param_offset=5)
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 33
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:54:51] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=2, query=0x598a10)
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x598a10, this=0x58a3d8)
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598a10, this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598a10, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:54:51] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'" successfully executed within 0.253 milliseconds
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5acf10, query_str='SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'')
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x5bf048'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x569c88'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=33, num_params=1)
[23:54:51] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02C1034C)
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:54:51] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:54:51] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C0FF40, 256, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '%e' AND password = MD5('%e')")
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x561098, src='Dustin_West')
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x561098, src='Dustin')
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin', this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '75'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')", "OnUserLogin", "d")
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0x2c0ff28, param_offset=5)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 34
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:54:54] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=2, query=0x598d08)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x598d08, this=0x58a3d8)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598d08, this=0x3d2b020, connection=0x5b64c0)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598d08, connection=0x5b64c0)
[23:54:54] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')" successfully executed within 0.294 milliseconds
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5b64c0, query_str='SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')')
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x5bf470'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x592b08'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] allocated 124 bytes for PAWN result
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=34, num_params=1)
[23:54:54] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '34'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02C1034C)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0x02BCD32C)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "level", 0x02BCD394)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '20'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "money", 0x02BCD3A8)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '30000'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "kills", 0x02BCD3AC)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "deaths", 0x02BCD3B4)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "adminlevel", 0x02BCD398)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '3'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "fraktion", 0x02BCD39C)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "rang", 0x02BCD3A0)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '6'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "spawnchange", 0x02BCD3A4)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C1001C, 200, "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=%d")
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '36'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1", "OnPlayerCarsLoad", "i")
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnPlayerCarsLoad', format='i', params=0x2c10004, param_offset=5)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnPlayerCarsLoad': 5
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'i' with parameter index 0
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:54:54] [INFO] Callback 'OnPlayerCarsLoad' set up for delayed execution.
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=1, query=0x598f68)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598f68, this=0x3987020, connection=0x5a1be0)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598f68, connection=0x5a1be0)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:54:54] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:54:54] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1" successfully executed within 0.249 milliseconds
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5a1be0, query_str='SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1')
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x594aa8'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x578af8'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=5, num_params=1)
[23:54:54] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnPlayerCarsLoad' with 1 parameter...
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '5'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02C1034C)
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:54:54] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:54:54] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02C0FF28, 256, "UPDATE users SET level = '%d', money = '%d', kills = '%d', deaths = '%d', adminlevel = '%d', fraktion = '%d', rang = '%d', spawnchange = '%d' WHERE id = '%d'")
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '153'
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "UPDATE users SET level = '20', money = '30000', kills = '0', deaths = '0', adminlevel = '3', fraktion = '0', rang = '6', spawnchange = '0' WHERE id = '1'", "", "")
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='', format='', params=0x2c0ff14, param_offset=5)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x561098, type=2, query=0x598bd8)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x598bd8, this=0x58a3d8)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598bd8, this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598bd8, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] mysql_close(1)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Destroy(this=0x589638, handle=0x561098)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CHandle::~CHandle(this=0x561098)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CConnection::~CConnection(this=0x58a858, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::~CThreadedConnection(this=0x3987020, connection=0x3987020)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x3987020, connection=0x3987020) - shutting down
[23:55:00] [INFO] query "UPDATE users SET level = '20', money = '30000', kills = '0', deaths = '0', adminlevel = '3', fraktion = '0', rang = '6', spawnchange = '0' WHERE id = '1'" successfully executed within 0.256 milliseconds
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5acf10, query_str='UPDATE users SET level = '20', money = '30000', kills = '0', deaths = '0', adminlevel = '3', fraktion = '0', rang = '6', spawnchange = '0' WHERE id = '1'')
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x594990'
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CConnection::~CConnection(this=0x3987020, connection=0x5a1be0)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::~CConnectionPool(this=0x58a3d8)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::~CThreadedConnection(this=0x3d2b020, connection=0x3d2b020)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x3d2b020, connection=0x3d2b020) - shutting down
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CConnection::~CConnection(this=0x3d2b020, connection=0x5b64c0)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::~CThreadedConnection(this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x3b5c020)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x3b5c020) - shutting down
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] CConnection::~CConnection(this=0x3b5c020, connection=0x5acf10)
[23:55:00] [DEBUG] mysql_close: return value: '1'
[23:55:12] [INFO] changed log level from 'debug, info, warning, error' to 'debug, info, warning, error'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] mysql_connect("", "root", "*****", "samp_db", 0)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Create(this=0x589638, host='', user='root', pass='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:55:12] [INFO] Creating new connection handle...
[23:55:12] [WARNING] mysql_connect: no password specified
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x58a798, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x5617b0
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x7ef020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x5c6798
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x7ef020, connection=0x7ef020)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0x7ef020, connection=0x7ef020)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::CConnectionPool(size=2, this=0x58a858)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x3a85020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x5ab4c8
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x3a85020, connection=0x3a85020)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0x3a85020, connection=0x3a85020)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x3c16020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x580c48)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x5ab898
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x3c16020, connection=0x3c16020)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0x3c16020, connection=0x3c16020)
[23:55:12] [INFO] Connection handle with id '1' successfully created.
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Create - new handle = 0x560ff8
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] mysql_connect: return value: '1'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] mysql_errno(1)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CHandle::GetErrorId(this=0x560ff8)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::GetError(this=0x58a798, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CHandle::GetErrorId - return value: true, error id: '0', error msg: ''
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] mysql_errno: return value: '0'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02BDF69C, 128, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = '%e'")
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x560ff8, src='Dustin_West')
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x58a798, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '47'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'", "OnUserCheck", "d")
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0x2bdf684, param_offset=5)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 33
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:55:12] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x560ff8, type=2, query=0x598848)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x598848, this=0x58a858)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598848, this=0x3a85020, connection=0x5ab4c8)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598848, connection=0x5ab4c8)
[23:55:12] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'" successfully executed within 0.248 milliseconds
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5ab4c8, query_str='SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'')
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x594878'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x5a8050'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=33, num_params=1)
[23:55:12] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02BDF89C)
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:55:12] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:55:12] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02BDF490, 256, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '%e' AND password = MD5('%e')")
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x560ff8, src='Dustin_West')
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x58a798, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x560ff8, src='Dustin')
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin', this=0x58a798, connection=0x5617b0)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '75'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')", "OnUserLogin", "d")
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0x2bdf478, param_offset=5)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 34
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:55:14] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x560ff8, type=2, query=0x598b40)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x598b40, this=0x58a858)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598b40, this=0x3c16020, connection=0x5ab898)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598b40, connection=0x5ab898)
[23:55:14] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')" successfully executed within 0.285 milliseconds
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5ab898, query_str='SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')')
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x594f78'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x592068'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] allocated 124 bytes for PAWN result
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=34, num_params=1)
[23:55:14] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '34'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02BDF89C)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0x02B9C87C)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "level", 0x02B9C8E4)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '20'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "money", 0x02B9C8F8)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '30000'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "kills", 0x02B9C8FC)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "deaths", 0x02B9C904)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "adminlevel", 0x02B9C8E8)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '3'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "fraktion", 0x02B9C8EC)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "rang", 0x02B9C8F0)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '6'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "spawnchange", 0x02B9C8F4)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02BDF56C, 200, "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=%d")
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '36'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1", "OnPlayerCarsLoad", "i")
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x2a0a860, name='OnPlayerCarsLoad', format='i', params=0x2bdf554, param_offset=5)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnPlayerCarsLoad': 5
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'i' with parameter index 0
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:55:14] [INFO] Callback 'OnPlayerCarsLoad' set up for delayed execution.
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x560ff8, type=1, query=0x598718)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x598718, this=0x7ef020, connection=0x5c6798)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x598718, connection=0x5c6798)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:55:14] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:55:14] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1" successfully executed within 0.449 milliseconds
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x5c6798, query_str='SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1')
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x5beee8'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x578468'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x2a0a860, index=5, num_params=1)
[23:55:14] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnPlayerCarsLoad' with 1 parameter...
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '5'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02BDF89C)
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:55:14] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:55:14] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
Alles anzeigen
Was soll ich den als Verschlüsselung nutzen hab das halt von Jeffry genommen und wie würde ich das denn jetzt noch ändern (ist es einfach und fix oder recht schwer)?
ZitatDas Select query ist nun richtig, aber ich sehe kein Insert query. Lösche nochmal die Sachen aus der Tabelle und mache das von Neu.
Was genau soll ich jetzt in der Tabelle aus der DB löschen (die beiden Fahrzeuge)?