Ich weiß nicht ob das dass richtige ist der mysql log:
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] mysql_close(1)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Destroy(this=0x72b280, handle=0x739f68)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CHandle::~CHandle(this=0x739f68)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CConnection::~CConnection(this=0x72c208, connection=0x701130)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::~CThreadedConnection(this=0xa19020, connection=0xa19020)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0xa19020, connection=0xa19020) - shutting down
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CConnection::~CConnection(this=0xa19020, connection=0x7644b0)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::~CConnectionPool(this=0x72c5c8)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::~CThreadedConnection(this=0x382f020, connection=0x382f020)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x382f020, connection=0x382f020) - shutting down
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CConnection::~CConnection(this=0x382f020, connection=0x740ca0)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::~CThreadedConnection(this=0x39c2020, connection=0x39c2020)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x39c2020, connection=0x39c2020) - shutting down
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] CConnection::~CConnection(this=0x39c2020, connection=0x74d518)
[23:02:57] [DEBUG] mysql_close: return value: '1'
[23:03:09] [INFO] changed log level from 'debug, info, warning, error' to 'debug, info, warning, error'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] mysql_connect("", "root", "*****", "samp_db", 0)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Create(this=0x72b280, host='', user='root', pass='****', db='samp_db', options=0x7203a8)
[23:03:09] [INFO] Creating new connection handle...
[23:03:09] [WARNING] mysql_connect: no password specified
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x72c488, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x7203a8)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x74e0d0
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0xa12020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x7203a8)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x74c578
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0xa12020, connection=0xa12020)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0xa12020, connection=0xa12020)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::CConnectionPool(size=2, this=0x72bf08)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x382e020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x7203a8)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x74c960
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x382e020, connection=0x382e020)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0x382e020, connection=0x382e020)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x39b2020, host='', user='root', passw='****', db='samp_db', options=0x7203a8)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x74d130
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0x39b2020, connection=0x39b2020)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0x39b2020, connection=0x39b2020)
[23:03:09] [INFO] Connection handle with id '1' successfully created.
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Create - new handle = 0x739da8
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] mysql_connect: return value: '1'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] mysql_errno(1)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CHandle::GetErrorId(this=0x739da8)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::GetError(this=0x72c488, connection=0x74e0d0)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CHandle::GetErrorId - return value: true, error id: '0', error msg: ''
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] mysql_errno: return value: '0'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02B8E654, 128, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = '%e'")
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x739da8, src='Dustin_West')
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x72c488, connection=0x74e0d0)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '47'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'", "OnUserCheck", "d")
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x29ba860, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0x2b8e63c, param_offset=5)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 33
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:03:09] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x739da8, type=2, query=0x739a58)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x739a58, this=0x72bf08)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x739a58, this=0x382e020, connection=0x74c960)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x739a58, connection=0x74c960)
[23:03:09] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'" successfully executed within 0.385 milliseconds
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x74c960, query_str='SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West'')
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x7405c8'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x7014a0'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x29ba860, index=33, num_params=1)
[23:03:09] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02B8E854)
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:03:09] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:03:09] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02B8E448, 256, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '%e' AND password = MD5('%e')")
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x739da8, src='Dustin_West')
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin_West', this=0x72c488, connection=0x74e0d0)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin_West'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x739da8, src='Dustin')
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Dustin', this=0x72c488, connection=0x74e0d0)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Dustin'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '75'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')", "OnUserLogin", "d")
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x29ba860, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0x2b8e430, param_offset=5)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 34
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:03:11] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x739da8, type=2, query=0x738d48)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x738d48, this=0x72bf08)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x738d48, this=0x39b2020, connection=0x74d130)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x738d48, connection=0x74d130)
[23:03:11] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')" successfully executed within 0.313 milliseconds
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x74d130, query_str='SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Dustin_West' AND password = MD5('Dustin')')
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x7354e0'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x7333b8'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] allocated 124 bytes for PAWN result
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x29ba860, index=34, num_params=1)
[23:03:11] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '34'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02B8E854)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0x02B4C410)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "level", 0x02B4C478)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '20'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "money", 0x02B4C48C)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '30000'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "kills", 0x02B4C490)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "deaths", 0x02B4C498)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "adminlevel", 0x02B4C47C)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '3'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "fraktion", 0x02B4C480)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "rang", 0x02B4C484)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '6'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "spawnchange", 0x02B4C488)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0x02B8E524, 200, "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=%d")
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '36'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1", "OnPlayerCarsLoad", "i")
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x29ba860, name='OnPlayerCarsLoad', format='i', params=0x2b8e50c, param_offset=5)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnPlayerCarsLoad': 5
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'i' with parameter index 0
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[23:03:11] [INFO] Callback 'OnPlayerCarsLoad' set up for delayed execution.
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x739da8, type=1, query=0x739338)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x739338, this=0xa12020, connection=0x74c578)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x739338, connection=0x74c578)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:03:11] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[23:03:11] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1" successfully executed within 0.274 milliseconds
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x74c578, query_str='SELECT * FROM autos WHERE besitzer=1')
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0x74c1d8'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x7180e0'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x29ba860, index=5, num_params=1)
[23:03:11] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnPlayerCarsLoad' with 1 parameter...
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '5'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0x02B8E854)
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[23:03:11] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[23:03:11] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.