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SA-MP 0.3z RC
SA-MP 0.3z is mainly a security update that we hope to push to release quickly. There are a few new features and there should be time to address some existing 0.3 bugs during the RC.
Updated shooting sync for bullet weapons
Shots fired by players are now lag compensated, meaning you can aim at the skin instead of lead aiming.
The server can now get access to the full bullet information to tell if it hit a player, vehicle or object.
forward OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ);
The give/take damage callbacks now contain the body part hit ID. If your script uses these callbacks, you will need to update the definition in your script.
forward OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart);
forward OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart);
Other stuff
- A network level setting for server.cfg 'messageholelimit' has been added to deal with DoS attacks.
- The Rivershell gamemode has been updated to version 2.
SA-MP 0.3z RC4 Client/Server update
- Fixed problem where long distance shots might go missing
- Nametag LoS tests will also apply to server objects
- OnPlayerGiveDamage is now called for NPCs
- Added GetPlayerLastShotVectors for extended information on bullet shots
- Added legacy mode for shot firing (shotcompmode 2 server.cfg setting) which uses only the camera for aiming and allows joypad auto-aiming
- Fixed: players could not be shot while surfing a vehicle
- Added some extended player camera information like aspect ratio and zoom level (for sniper)
- Extended 'netstats' functions so the script can get lower level network information without having to parse the stats string
native GetPlayerLastShotVectors(playerid, &Float:fOriginX, &Float:fOriginY, &Float:fOriginZ, &Float:fHitPosX, &Float:fHitPosY, &Float:fHitPosZ);
native Float:GetPlayerCameraAspectRatio(playerid);
native Float:GetPlayerCameraZoom(playerid);
// Extended admin network stats
native NetStats_GetConnectedTime(playerid);
native NetStats_MessagesReceived(playerid);
native NetStats_BytesReceived(playerid);
native NetStats_MessagesSent(playerid);
native NetStats_BytesSent(playerid);
native NetStats_MessagesRecvPerSecond(playerid);
native Float:NetStats_PacketLossPercent(playerid);
native NetStats_ConnectionStatus(playerid);
native NetStats_GetIpPort(playerid, ip_port[], ip_port_len);
SA-MP 0.3z RC3 Client/Server update
- Fixed: Joypad target switching still enabled autoaiming.
- Fixed: Sniper bullets were not working when vectored outside the SA land area.
- Extra server data for investigating any player shot data corruption.
- Added VectorSize pawn function.
SA-MP 0.3z RC2 Client/Server update
- Removes autoaim ability from the joypad controls
- Fixes gunshell/smoke particle offset problem
0.3z RC4 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC4 Client Installer
0.3z RC4 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC4 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC4 Linux Server
0.3z RC3 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC3 Client Installer
0.3z RC3 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC3 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC3 Linux Server
0.3z RC2 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC2 Client Installer
0.3z RC2 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC2 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC2 Linux Server
0.3z RC1 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC1 Client Installer
0.3z RC1 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC1 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC1 Linux Server
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