Also, ich wäre dafür, dass der Link vom Fehlerklärbär auf einen Thread weitergeleitet wird, wo alle Errors aufgelistet sind und dazu deutsche Erklärungen sind.
Der Grund dafür ist relativ simpel, zum einen funktioniert er nicht richtig und einige Fehler werden darin nicht beschrieben und zum anderen steht manchmal ziemlicher Bullshit als Erklärung drinnen
Zudem ist es immer ein ziemlicher Zeitakt wenn man mehrere Fehler hat diese einzeln zu suchen, als einfach eine Overview Liste zu haben.
Also, anbei wäre eine Liste + Erklärungen aller Fehler (auf Englisch...müsste man halt mal übersetzen)
• Errors001 expected token: token, but found tokenA required token is omitted.002 only a single statement (or expression) can follow each“case" Every case in a switch statement can hold exactly one statement.To put multiple statements in a case, enclose these statementsbetween braces (which creates a compound statement).003 declaration of a local variable must appear in a compoundblockThe declaration of a local variable must appear between braces(“{. . .}”) at the active scope level.When the parser flags this error, a variable declaration appearsas the only statement of a function or the only statement belowan if, else, for, while or do statement. Note that, since localvariables are accessible only from (or below) the scope that theirdeclaration appears in, having a variable declaration as the onlystatement at any scope is useless.004 function name is not implementedThere is no implementation for the designated function. Thefunction may have been “forwardly” declared —or prototyped—but the full function definition including a statement, or statementblock, is missing.005 function may not have argumentsThe function main is the program entry point. It may not havearguments.006 must be assigned to an arrayString literals or arrays must be assigned to an array. This errormessage may also indicate a missing index (or indices) at the arrayon the right side of the “=” sign.007 operator cannot be redefinedOnly a select set of operators may be redefined, this operator isnot one of them. See page 84 for details.008 must be a constant expression; assumed zeroThe size of arrays and the parameters of most directives must beconstant values.009 invalid array size (negative, zero or out of bounds)The number of elements of an array must always be 1 or more. Inaddition, an array that big that it does exceeds the range of a cellis invalid too.010 illegal function or declarationThe compiler expects a declaration of a global variable or of afunction at the current location, but it cannot interpret it as such.011 invalid outside functionsThe instruction or statement is invalid at a global level. Locallabels and (compound) statements are only valid if used withinfunctions.012 invalid function call, not a valid addressThe symbol is not a function.013 no entry point (no public functions)The file does not contain a main function or any public function.The compiled file thereby does not have a starting point for theexecution.014 invalid statement; not in switchThe statements case and default are only valid inside a switchstatement.015 “default” must be the last clause in switch statementpawn requires the default clause to be the last clause in a switchstatement.016 multiple defaults in “switch”Each switch statement may only have one default clause.017 undefined symbol symbolThe symbol (variable, constant or function) is not declared.018 initialization data exceeds declared sizeAn array with an explicit size is initialized, but the number ofinitiallers exceeds the number of elements specified. For example,in “arr[3]={1,2,3,4};” the array is specified to have threeelements, but there are four initiallers.019 not a label: nameA goto statement branches to a symbol that is not a label.020 invalid symbol nameA symbol may start with a letter, an underscore or an “at” sign(“@”) and may be followed by a series of letters, digits, underscorecharacters and “@” characters.021 symbol already defined: identifierThe symbol was already defined at the current level.022 must be lvalue (non-constant)The symbol that is altered (incremented, decremented, assigneda value, etc.) must be a variable that can be modified (this kindof variable is called an lvalue). Functions, string literals, arraysand constants are no lvalues. Variables declared with the “const”attribute are no lvalues either.023 array assignment must be simple assignmentWhen assigning one array to another, you cannot combine anarithmetic operation with the assignment (e.g., you cannot use the“+=” operator).024 “break” or “continue” is out of contextThe statements break and continue are only valid inside thecontext of a loop (a do, for or while statement). Unlike thelanguages C/C++ and Java, break does not jump out of a switchstatement.025 function heading differs from prototypeThe number of arguments given at a previous declaration of thefunction does not match the number of arguments given at thecurrent declaration.026 no matching “#if...”The directive #else or #endif was encountered, but no matching#if directive was found.027 invalid character constantOne likely cause for this error is the occurrence of an unknownescape sequence, like “\x”. Putting multiple characters betweensingle quotes, as in ’abc’ also issues this error message. A thirdcause for this error is a situation where a character constant wasexpected, but none (or a non-character expression) were provided.028 invalid subscript (not an array or too many subscripts):identifierThe subscript operators “[” and “]” are only valid with arrays.The number of square bracket pairs may not exceed the number ofdimensions of the array.029 invalid expression, assumed zeroThe compiler could not interpret the expression.030 compound statement not closed at the end of file (startedat line number)An unexpected end of file occurred. One or more compoundstatements are still unfinished (i.e. the closing brace “}” has notbeen found). The line number where the compound statementstarted is given in the message.031 unknown directiveThe character “#” appears first at a line, but no valid directivewas specified.032 array index out of boundsThe array index is larger than the highest valid entry of the array.033 array must be indexed (variable name)An array as a whole cannot be used in a expression; you mustindicate an element of the array between square brackets.034 argument does not have a default value (argument index)You can only use the argument placeholder when the functiondefinition specifies a default value for the argument.035 argument type mismatch (argument index)The argument that you pass is different from the argument that thefunction expects, and the compiler cannot convert the passed-inargument to the required type. For example, you cannot pass theliteral value “1” as an argument when the function expects anarray or a reference.036 empty statementThe line contains a semicolon that is not preceded by an expression.pawn does not support a semicolon as an empty statement, use anempty compound block instead.037 invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)A string was not well-formed; for example, the final quote thatends a string is missing, or the filename for the #include directivewas not enclosed in double quotes or angle brackets.038 extra characters on lineThere were trailing characters on a line that contained a directive(a directive starts with a # symbol, see page 116).039 constant symbol has no sizeA variable has a size (measured in a number of cells), a constanthas no size. That is, you cannot use a (symbolic) constant withthe sizeof operator, for example.040 duplicate “case” label (value value)A preceding “case label” in the list of the switch statementevaluates to the same value.041 invalid ellipsis, array size is not knownYou used a syntax like “arr[] = { 1, ... };”, which is invalid,because the compiler cannot deduce the size of the array from thedeclaration.042 invalid combination of class specifiersA function or variable is denoted as both “public” and “native”,which is unsupported. Other combinations may also be unsupported;for example, a function cannot be both “public” and“stock” (a variable may be declared both “public” and “stock”).043 character constant value exceeds range for a packedstring/arrayWhen the error occurs on a literal string, it is usually an attemptto store a Unicode character in a packed string where a packedcharacter is 8-bits. For a literal array, one of the constants doesnot fit in the range for packed characters.044 positional parameters must precede all named parametersWhen you mix positional parameters and named parameters in afunction call, the positional parameters must come first.045 too many function argumentsThe maximum number of function arguments is currently limitedto 64.046 unknown array size (variable name)For array assignment, the size of both arrays must be explicitlydefined, also if they are passed as function arguments.047 array sizes do not match, or destination array is too smallFor array assignment, the arrays on the left and the right side of theassignment operator must have the same number of dimensions.In addition:⋄ for multi-dimensional arrays, both arrays must have the samesize —note that an unpacked array does not fit in a packed arraywith the same number of elements;⋄ for single arrays with a single dimension, the array on the leftside of the assignment operator must have a size that is equal orbigger than the one on the right side.When passing arrays to a function argument, these rules also holdfor the array that is passed to the function (in the function call)versus the array declared in the function definition.When a function returns an array, all return statements mustspecify an array with the same size and dimensions.048 array dimensions do not matchFor an array assignment, the dimensions of the arrays on both sidesof the “=” sign must match; when passing arrays to a functionargument, the arrays passed to the function (in the function call)must match with the definition of the function arguments.When a function returns an array, all return statements mustspecify an array with the same size and dimensions.049 invalid line continuationA line continuation character (a backslash at the end of a line) is at an invalid position, for example at the end of a file or in a singleline comment.050 invalid rangeA numeric range with the syntax “n1 .. n2”, where n1 and n2are numeric constants, is invalid. Either one of the values in not avalid number, or n1 is not smaller than n2.051 invalid subscript, use “[ ]” operators on major dimensionsand for named indicesYou can use the “character array index” operator (braces: “{ }”only for the last dimension, and only when indexing the array witha number. For other dimensions, and when indexing the arraywith a “symbolic index” (one that starts with a “.”), you must usethe cell index operator (square brackets: “[ ]”).052 multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initializedIf an array with more than one dimension is initialized at itsdeclaration, then there must be equally many literal vectors/subarraysat the right of the equal sign (“=”) as specified for the majordimension(s) of the array.053 exceeding maximum number of dimensionsThe current implementation of the pawn compiler only supportsarrays with one or two dimensions.054 unmatched closing braceA closing brace (“}”) was found without matching opening brace(“{”).055 start of function body without function headerAn opening brace (“{”) was found outside the scope of a function.This may be caused by a semicolon at the end of a precedingfunction header.056 arrays, local variables and function arguments cannot bepublicA local variable or a function argument starts with the character“@”, which is invalid.057 Unfinished expression before compiler directiveCompiler directives may only occur between statements, not insidea statement. This error typically occurs when an expressionstatement is split over multiple lines and a compiler directiveappears between the start and the end of the expression. This isnot supported.058 duplicate argument; same argument is passed twiceIn the function call, the same argument appears twice, possiblythrough a mixture of named and positional parameters.059 function argument may not have a default value (variablename)All arguments of public functions must be passed explicitly. Publicfunctions are typically called from the host application, who hasno knowledge of the default parameter values. Arguments of userdefined operators are implied from the expression and cannot beinferred from the default value of an argument.060 multiple “#else” directives between “#if . . . #endifTwo or more #else directives appear in the body between thematching #if and #endif.061 “#elseif” directive follows an “#else” directiveAll #elseif directives must appear before the #else directive.This error may also indicate that an #endif directive for a higherlevel is missing.062 number of operands does not fit the operatorWhen redefining an operator, the number of operands that theoperator has (1 for unary operators and 2 for binary operators)must be equal to the number of arguments of the operator function.063 function result tag of operator name must be nameLogical and relational operators are defined as having a result thatis either true (1) or false (0) and having a “bool:” tag. A userdefined operator should adhere to this definition.064 cannot change predefined operatorsOne cannot define operators to work on untagged values, forexample, because pawn already defines this operation.065 function argument may only have a single tag (argumentnumber)In a user defined operator, a function argument may not havemultiple tags.066 function argument may not be a reference argument oran array (argument number)In a user defined operator, all arguments must be cells (non-arrays)that are passed “by value”.067 variable cannot be both a reference and an array (variablename)A function argument may be denoted as a “reference” or as anarray, but not as both.068 invalid rational number precision in #pragmaThe precision was negative or too high. For floating point rationalnumbers, the precision specification should be omitted.069 rational number format already definedThis #pragma conflicts with an earlier #pragma that specified adifferent format.070 rational number support was not enabledA rational literal number was encountered, but the format forrational numbers was not specified.071 user-defined operator must be declared before use (func-tion name)Like a variable, a user-defined operator must be declared beforeits first use. This message indicates that prior to the declarationof the user-defined operator, an instance where the operator wasused on operands with the same tags occurred. This may eitherindicate that the program tries to make mixed use of the defaultoperator and a user-defined operator (which is unsupported), orthat the user-defined operator must be “forwardly declared”.072 “sizeof” operator is invalid on “function” symbolsYou used something like “sizeof MyCounter” where the symbol“MyCounter” is not a variable, but a function. You cannot requestthe size of a function.073 function argument must be an array (argument name)The function argument is a constant or a simple variable, but thefunction requires that you pass an array.074 #define pattern must start with an alphabetic characterAny pattern for the #define directive must start with a letter,an underscore (“_”) or an “@”-character. The pattern is the firstword that follows the #define keyword.075 input line too long (after substitutions)Either the source file contains a very long line, or text substitutionsmake a line that was initially of acceptable length grow beyond itsbounds. This may be caused by a text substitution that causesrecursive substitution (the pattern matching a portion of thereplacement text, so that this part of the replacement text is alsomatched and replaced, and so forth).076 syntax error in the expression, or invalid function callThe expression statement was not recognized as a valid statement(so it is a “syntax error”). From the part of the string thatwas parsed, it looks as if the source line contains a functioncall in a “procedure call” syntax (omitting the parentheses), butthe function result is used —assigned to a variable, passed as aparameter, used in an expression. . .077 malformed UTF-8 encoding, or corrupted file: filenameThe file starts with an UTF-8 signature, but it contains encodingsthat are invalid UTF-8. If the source file was created by aneditor or converter that supports UTF-8, the UTF-8 support isnon-conforming.078 function uses both “return” and “return <value>”The function returns both with and without a return value. Thefunction should be consistent in always returning with a functionresult, or in never returning a function result.079 inconsistent return types (array & non-array)The function returns both values and arrays, which is not allowed.If a function returns an array, all return statements must specifyan array (of the same size and dimensions).080 unknown symbol, or not a constant symbol (symbol name)Where a constant value was expected, an unknown symbol or anon-constant symbol (variable) was found.082 user-defined operators and native functions may not havestatesOnly standard and public functions may have states.083 a function or variable may only belong to a single automa-ton (symbol name)There are multiple automatons in the state declaration for theindicated function or variable, which is not supported. In the caseof a function: all instances of the function must belong to the sameautomaton. In the case of a variable: it is allowed to have severalvariables with the same name belonging to different automatons,but only in separate declarations —these are distinct variables.084 state conflict: one of the states is already assigned toanother implementation (symbol name)The specified state appears in the state specifier of two implementationsof the same function.085 no states are defined for symbol nameWhen this error occurs on a function, this function has a fall-backimplementation, but no other states. If the error refers to avariable, this variable does not have a list of states between the <and > characters. Use a state-less function or variable instead.086 unknown automaton nameThe “state” statement refers to an unknown automaton.087 unknown state name for automaton nameThe “state” statement refers to an unknown state (for thespecified automaton).088 public variables and local variables may not have states(symbol name)Only standard (global) variables may have a list of states (and anautomaton) at the end of a declaration.089 state variables may not be initialized (symbol name)Variables with a state list may not have initializers. State variablesshould always be initialized through an assignment (instead of attheir declaration), because their initial value is indeterminate.090 public functions may not return arrays (symbol name)A public function may not return an array. Returning arrays isallowed only for normal functions.091 first constant in an enumerated list must be initialized(symbol name) The first constant in a list of enumerated symbolic constants mustbe set to a value. Any subsequent symbol is automatically set thethe value of the preceding symbol +1.092 invalid number formatA symbol started with a digit, but is is not a valid number.093 array fields with a size may only appear in the finaldimensionIn the final dimension (the “minor” dimension), the fields of anarray may optionally be declared with a size that is different froma single cell. On the major dimensions of an array, this is notvalid, however.094 invalid subscript, subscript does not match array definitionregarding named indices (symbol name)Either the array was declared with symbolic subscripts and youare indexing it with an expression, or you are indexing the arraywith a symbolic subscript which is not defined for the array.[bold]• Fatal Errors[/bold]100 cannot read from file: filenameThe compiler cannot find the specified file or does not have accessto it.101 cannot write to file: filenameThe compiler cannot write to the specified output file, probablycaused by insufficient disk space or restricted access rights (the filecould be read-only, for example).102 table overflow: table nameAn internal table in the pawn parser is too small to hold therequired data. Some tables are dynamically growable, whichmeans that there was insufficient memory to resize the table. The“table name” is one of the following:“staging buffer”: the staging buffer holds the code generated foran expression before it is passed to the peephole optimizer. Thestaging buffer grows dynamically, so an overflow of the stagingbuffer basically is an “out of memory” error.“loop table”: the loop table is a stack used with nested do, for, andwhile statements. The table allows nesting of these statements upto 24 levels.“literal table”: this table keeps the literal constants (numbers,strings) that are used in expressions and as initiallers for arrays.The literal table grows dynamically, so an overflow of the literaltable basically is an “out of memory” error.“compiler stack”: the compiler uses a stack to store temporaryinformation it needs while parsing. An overflow of this stack isprobably caused by deeply nested (or recursive) file inclusion. Thecompiler stack grows dynamically, so an overflow of the compilerstack basically is an “out of memory” error.“option table”: in case that there are more options on the commandline or in the response file than the compiler can cope with.103 insufficient memoryGeneral “out of memory” error.104 incompatible options: option versus optionTwo option that are passed to the pawn compiler conflict witheach other, or an option conflicts with the configuration of thepawn compiler.105 numeric overflow, exceeding capacityA numeric constant, notably a dimension of an array, is too largefor the compiler to handle. For example, when compiled as a 16-bitapplication, the compiler cannot handle arrays with more than32767 elements.106 compiled script exceeds the maximum memory size(number bytes)The memory size for the abstract machine that is needed to runthe script exceeds the value set with #pragma amxlimit. Thismeans that the script is too large to be supported by the host.You might try reducing the script’s memory requirements by:⋄ setting a smaller stack/heap area —see #pragma dynamic atpage 119;⋄ using packed strings instead of unpacked strings —see pages 99and 136;⋄ using overlays—see pages 120 and page 170 for more informationon overlays.⋄ putting repeated code in separate functions;⋄ putting repeated data (strings) in global variables;⋄ trying to find more compact algorithms to perform the sametask.107 too many error/warning messages on one lineA single line that causes several error/warning messages is oftenan indication that the pawn parser is unable to “recover” froman earlier error. In this situation, the parser is unlikely to makeany sense of the source code that follows —producing only (more)inappropriate error messages. Therefore, compilation is halted.108 codepage mapping file not foundThe file for the codepage translation that was specified with the-c compiler option or the #pragma codepage directive could notbe loaded.109 invalid path: path nameA path, for example for include files or codepage files, is invalid.Check the compiler options and, if used, the configuration file.110 assertion failed: expression Compile-time assertion failed. 111 user error: message The parser fell on an #error directive. 112 overlay function name exceeds limit by value bytesThe size of a function is too large for the overlay system. To fixthis issue, you will have to split the function into two (or more)functions.[bold]• Warnings[/bold]200 symbol is truncated to number charactersThe symbol is longer than the maximum symbol length. Themaximum length of a symbol depends on whether the symbol isnative, public or neither. Truncation may cause different symbolnames to become equal, which may cause error 021 or warning219.201 redefinition of constant/macro (symbol name)The symbol was previously defined to a different value, or the textsubstitution macro that starts with the prefix name was redefinedwith a different substitution text.202 number of arguments does not match definitionAt a function call, the number of arguments passed to thefunction (actual arguments) differs from the number of formalarguments declared in the function heading. To declare functionswith variable argument lists, use an ellipsis (...) behind thelast known argument in the function heading; for example:print(formatstring,...);.203 symbol is never used: identifierA symbol is defined but never used. Public functions are excludedfrom the symbol usage check (since these may be called from theoutside).204 symbol is assigned a value that is never used: identifierA value is assigned to a symbol, but the contents of the symbolare never accessed.205 redundant code: constant expression is zeroWhere a conditional expression was expected, a constant expressionwith the value zero was found, e.g. “while (0)” or “if (0)”.The the conditional code below the test is never executed, and itis therefore redundant.206 redundant test: constant expression is non-zeroWhere a conditional expression was expected, a constant expressionwith a non-zero value was found, e.g. if (1). The test isredundant, because the conditional code is always executed.To create an endless loop, use for ( ;; ) instead of while (1).207 unknown “#pragma”The compiler ignores the pragma. The #pragma directives maychange between compilers of different vendors and between differentversions of a compiler of the same version.208 function with tag result used before definition, forcingreparseWhen a function is “used” (invoked) before being declared, andthat function returns a value with a tag name, the parser mustmake an extra pass over the source code, because the presenceof the tag name may change the interpretation of operators (inthe presence of user-defined operators). You can speed up theparsing/compilation process by declaring the relevant functionsbefore using them.209 function should return a valueThe function does not have a return statement, or it does not havean expression behind the return statement, but the function’sresult is used in a expression.210 possible use of symbol before initialization: identifierA local (uninitialized) variable appears to be read before a value isassigned to it. The compiler cannot determine the actual order ofreading from and storing into variables and bases its assumption ofthe execution order on the physical appearance order of statementsan expressions in the source file.211 possibly unintended assignmentWhere a conditional expression was expected, the assignmentoperator (=) was found instead of the equality operator (==). Asthis is a frequent mistake, the compiler issues a warning. To avoidthis message, put parentheses around the expression, e.g. if ((a=2) ).212 possibly unintended bitwise operationWhere a conditional expression was expected, a bitwise operator(& or |) was found instead of a Boolean operator (&& or ||). Insituations where a bitwise operation seems unlikely, the compilerissues this warning. To avoid this message, put parentheses aroundthe expression.213 tag mismatchA tag mismatch occurs when:⋄ assigning to a tagged variable a value that is untagged or thathas a different tag⋄ the expressions on either side of a binary operator have differenttags⋄ in a function call, passing an argument that is untagged or thathas a different tag than what the function argument was definedwith⋄ indexing an array which requires a tagged index with no tag ora wrong tag name214 possibly a “const” array argument was intended: identifierArrays are always passed by reference. If a function does notmodify the array argument, however, the compiler can sometimesgenerate more compact and quicker code if the array argument isspecifically marked as “const”.215 expression has no effectThe result of the expression is apparently not stored in a variable orused in a test. The expression or expression statement is thereforeredundant.216 nested commentpawn does not support nested comments.217 loose indentationStatements at the same logical level do not start in the samecolumn; that is, the indents of the statements are different.Although pawn is a free format language, loose indentationfrequently hides a logical error in the control flow.The compiler can also incorrectly assume loose indentation if thetab size with which you indented the source code differs from theassumed size. This may happen if the source files use a mixtureof tab and space characters to indent lines. Sometimes it is thenneeded to tell the pawn parser what tab size to use, see #pragmatabsize on page 121 or the compiler option -t on page 170.You can also disable this warning with #pragma tabsize 0 or thecompiler option -t:0.218 old style prototypes used with optional semicolonWhen using “optional semicolons”, it is preferred to explicitlydeclare forward functions with the forward keyword than usingterminating semicolon.219 local variable identifier shadows a symbol at a precedinglevelA local variable has the same name as a global variable, a function,a function argument, or a local variable at a lower precedencelevel. This is called “shadowing”, as the new local variable makesthe previously defined function or variable inaccessible.Note: if there are also error messages further on in the scriptabout missing variables (with these same names) or brace levelproblems, it could well be that the shadowing warnings are due tothese syntactical and semantical errors. Fix the errors first beforelooking at the shadowing warnings.220 expression with tag override must appear between paren-thesesIn a case statement and in expressions in the conditional operator(“ ? : ”), any expression that has a tag override should be enclosedbetween parentheses, to avoid the colon to be misinterpretedas a separator of the case statement or as part of the conditionaloperator.221 label name identifier shadows tag nameA code label (for the goto instruction) has the same name as apreviously defined tag. This may indicate a faultily applied tagoverride; a typical case is an attempt to apply a tag override on thevariable on the left of the = operator in an assignment statement.222 number of digits exceeds rational number precisionA literal rational number has more decimals in its fractional partthan the precision of a rational number supports. The remainingdecimals are ignored.223 redundant “sizeof”: argument size is always 1 (symbolname)A function argument has a as its default value the size of anotherargument of the same function. The “sizeof” default value is onlyuseful when the size of the referred argument is unspecified inthe declaration of the function; i.e., if the referred argument is anarray.224 indeterminate array size in “sizeof” expression (symbolname)The operand of the sizeof operator is an array with an unspecifiedsize. That is, the size of the variable cannot be determinedat compile time. If used in an “if” instruction, consider aconditionally compiled section, replacing if by #if.225 unreachable codeThe indicated code will never run, because an instruction before(above) it causes a jump out of the function, out of a loopor elsewhere. Look for return, break, continue and gotoinstructions above the indicated line. Unreachable code can alsobe caused by an endless loop above the indicated line.226 a variable is assigned to itself (symbol name)There is a statement like “x = x” in the code. The parserchecks for self assignments after performing any text and constantsubstitutions, so the left and right sides of an assignment mayappear to be different at first sight. For example, if the symbol“TWO” is a constant with the value 2, then “var[TWO] = var[2]”is also a self-assignment.Self-assignments are, of course, redundant, and they may hidean error (assignment to the wrong variable, error in declaringconstants).Note that the pawn parser is limited to performing “static checks”only. In this case it means that it can only compare arrayassignments for self-assignment with constant array indices.227 more initiallers than array fieldsAn array that is declared with sumbolic subscripts contains morevalues/fields as initiallers than there are (symbolic) subscripts.228 length of initialler exceeds size of the array fieldThe initialler for an array element contains more values than thesize of that field allows. This occurs in an array that has symbolicsubscripts, and where a particular subscript is declared with a size.229 mixing packed and unpacked array indexing or arrayassignmentAn array is declared as packed (with { and } braces) but indexedas unpacked (with [ and ]), or vice versa. Or one array is assignedto another and one is packed while the other is unpacked.230 no implementation for state name in function name, nofall-backA function is lacking an implementation for the indicated state.The compiler cannot (statically) check whether the function willever be called in that state, and therefore it issues this warning.When the function would be called for the state for which noimplementation exists, the abstract machine aborts with a runtime error.See page 81 on how to specify a fall-back function, and page 42 fora description and an example.231 state specification on forward declaration is ignoredA state specification is redundant on forward declarations. Thefunction signature must be equal for all states. Only the implementationsof the function are state-specific.232 native function lacks a predefined index (symbol name)The pawn compiler was configured with predefined indices fornative functions, but it encountered a declaration for which itdoes not have an index declaration. This usually means that thescript uses include files that arenot appropriate for the activeconfiguration.233 state variable name shadows a global variableThe state variable has the same name as a global variable (withoutstate specifiers). This means that the global variable is inaccessiblefor a function with one of the same states as those of the variable.234 function is deprecated (symbol name)The script uses a function which as marked as “deprecated”. Thehost application can mark (native) functions as deprecated whenbetter alternatives for the function are available or if the functionmay not be supported in future versions of the host application.235 public function lacks forward declaration (symbol name)The script defines a public function, but no forward declaration ofthis function is present. Possibly the function name was writtenincorrectly. The requirement for forward declarations of publicfunctions guards against a common error.236 unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #definepattern)A #define pattern contains a parameter in the replacement (e.g.“%1”), that is not in the match pattern. See page 92 for thepreprocessor syntax.237 recursive function nameThe specified function calls itself recursively. Although this is validin pawn, a self-call is often an error. Note that this warning isonly generated when the pawn parser/compiler is set to “verbose”mode.238 mixing string formats in concatenationIn concatenating literals strings, strings with different formats(such as packed versus unpacked, and “plain” versus standardstrings) were combined. This is usually an error. The parser usesthe format of the first (left-most) string in the concatenation forthe result.
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