Zitat von KalcorAlles anzeigenhttp://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=167003
SA-MP 0.3b RC2
Note:This is a test release for server owners (RC). The full release will come once we have checked there are no major bugs.
Due to a security issue that requires an immediate update to the SA-MP cilent and server, SA-MP version 0.3b is being fast-tracked to release. We are making an unrestricted client/server available for server owners to start testing their scripts. You will at least need to recompile your server script with the latest includes. Expect documentation on the scripting changes to appear on the SA-MP wiki soon.
Here is an overview of the updates in 0.3b
Updates for players
- Important client security updates
- Updates and fixes to the SA-MP server browser, including host name lookups for your favorites and samp:// URL handling.
- Improved player and animation syncing
- Chat logging
- Chat time-stamping with the /timestamp command
- Files, including screenshots, now save to the GTA San Andreas User Files folder
- No restrictions on screen resolution size
- Any frame limiter changes are now saved
- Several crash fixes
Updates for servers
- New vehicle velocity and rotation functions
- Ability to track applied animations
- Players can be scripted to hold objects
- A threaded HTTP client for pawn (beta)
- New object limit of 400
- The ability to change the draw distance of objects (up to 300 units)
- NPCs can now record custom set animations
- Increased PVar lookup speed
- Many bug fixes
Things server owners need to know
- CreateObject/CreatePlayerObject now have a default parameter for draw distance as the last parameter. You do not need to change any of your code, although you must at least recompile your script with the 0.3b pawn includes, otherwise your objects will not show. This new addition may break existing plugin-based streamers.
- We have found that changing the draw distance of objects that contain lights or particles can cause crashes or fps lag.
Other types of bug fixes and requested features
As mentioned above, there is a security issue that needs to be patched immediately. I know there are servers owners that have bugs which effect their script, or want a specific feature for their server. These things will have to be put on hold until any future release. Please be understanding about this fact and only post bug reports in 0.3b if they are new bugs and may prevent people from being able to play the game properly.
SA-MP 0.3b RC1_1 files
RC1_1 Client
RC1_1 Server Windows/Scripting
RC1_1 Server linux
SA-MP 0.3b RC2 files
0.3b RC2 client and server update
- Made it so GetPlayerAnimationIndex returns all player animations, not just those used with ApplyAnimation
- Added /headmove command to disable/enable player head movements locally
- Improvements to GetPlayerWeaponData and GetPlayerAmmo
- Fixed (hopefully) any crashes from SetPlayerHoldingObject
- Negative player score in the browser will show as 0
- Fixed ApplyAnimation not working correctly on NPCs
Important: ApplyAnimation/ClearAnimations Scripting functions ApplyAnimation/ClearAnimations now have a default parameter 'forcesync' at the end, which defaults to 0. You will not need to change your code, however any script using ApplyAnimation/ClearAnimations must be recompiled with the latest SA-MP pawn includes. In most cases you would not need to use the 'forcesync' parameter since players sync animations themselves. The 'forcesync' parameter can force all players who can see 'playerid' to play the animation regardless of whether the player is performing that animation. This is useful in circumstances where the player can't sync the animation themselves. For example, they might be alt-tabbed.
RC2 Client
RC2 Server Windows/Scripting
RC2 Server linux
0.3b RC1_2 minor client update
- Fixes a registry issue where the server browser may display errors if a previous version of SA-MP hadn't been installed
- Fixes players might move remotely if they're alt-tabbed
- Fixes a connection problem effecting a some clients
Please note: Your saved favorites file is located in a different folder between 0.3a and 0.3b. If you switch to 0.3b and back to 0.3a, you might lose your favorites list. It is recommended that you 'Export' your favorites before installing 0.3b.
RC1_2 Client
RC1_1 Server Windows/Scripting
RC1_1 Server linux

SA-MP 0.3b RC X client/server
- Goldkiller
- Geschlossen
Hi, vielen dank für infos
Danke für die info, direkt ma saugen
- The ability to change the draw distance of objects (up to 300 units)
- NPCs can now record custom set animations
- Increased PVar lookup speedNa endlich
Thx für die Info
Beim starten schmiert mein SAMP ab :<
Aber Super ! Endlich 0.3B !
Hey, es gibt ja auch erst 5 Server offiziell in der Internet List, aber auf die möchte ich Connecten dann sagt er mir Didn´t Resp.. usw. Hat nochjeman das Problem?
Perfekt :)!!
Mein Client schmiert auch ab
Die Collegen im Englischen Forum haben die gleichen Probleme, wenn man die Letzen Threads liest
BlueScreen PC geht aus etcHab ich zwar net aber naja.
Ist ja mal Nice das es endlich etwas vorran gegangen ist ich dachte schon das der Stand bei R8 stehen bleibt.
MFG Julian
Die HTTP Request Funktion interessiert mich, aber ich kann mir da nix drunter vorstellen, auch die INCLUde bringt nicht viel.
lol, das hat Grex sich heute mittag noch gewünscht xD
Naja toll ist es auch nicht, Auto Startet eben...
"gta-sa.exe" abgeschmiert..
aber hammer nice ..
sehr nice
sau geil auch wenn ich kein wort verstehe^^
//edit nun geht GTA nicht mehr ... -.-
Man kommt mit dem Client 0.3b nicht auf die 0.3b Server aber auf 0.3a Server. Auch mit dem Client von 0.3a kommt man auch nicht auf 0.3b Server. Ich vermute es liegt an den Server, warum man nich drauf kommt. Aber wie gesagt nur eine vermutung von mir.
bei mir klappts wunderbar ihr müsst auch auf nen Server aus der Internet Liste gehen der den neuen Server schon benutzt mit die alten gehts anscheinend nicht die noch in euer Favoriten Liste sind aber das Design von dem neuen Clienten gefällt mir nicht so Visual Basic mäßig aus xD
ich hab mein Server grade Geupdatet
auf Servern aus INternetliste geht es bei mir auch nicht