DT_DynamicCar [Ver.: 1.3.7]

Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte ändert nicht manuell die Schriftfarbe auf schwarz sondern belasst es bei der Standardeinstellung. Somit tragt ihr dazu bei dass euer Text auch bei Verwendung unseren dunklen Forenstils noch lesbar ist!

Tipp: Ihr wollt längere Codeausschnitte oder Logfiles bereitstellen? Benutzt unseren eigenen PasteBin-Dienst Link
  • -Pack mal das Carsystem an den anfang der filterscript reihe.
    -Versuchs mal ohne dem Anticheat.
    -Welches Mysqö Plugin hast du auf dem server?
    -hast du eine Mysql log? Nein? -> #define Debug im FS ausklammern

  • Dankeee klappt jetzt :) Aber noch eine Frage wo sind die Resprayer weil ich die nicht finde ... & wenn ich autohäuser erstelle mein server aus und wieder an mache sind alle Autos und Autohäuser wieder gelöscht aber wenn ich Mysql datenbank nachschau ist das Autohaus noch vorhanden o:
    Alles neu geschrieben

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von TheSnipesZone () aus folgendem Grund: Neugeschrieben

  • Hm, lösch mal alles aus der datenbank und lass alles neu erstellen. (dafür auch alle scriptfiles neu hochladen.
    Wenn der fehler immernoch kommt. was steht in der mysl_log.txt

  • Ich hab jetzt schon 4mal alles gelöscht also alles was in der Datenbank drinne ist,die Scriptfiles & das FS ansich . Nartürlich hab ich alles neuinstaliert und wieder ein Autohaus erstellt. Im mysql_log.txt steht:
    27/07/2012 11:56:46: MYSQL: Versuche zum MySql-Server zu Connecten...
    27/07/2012 11:56:46: MYSQL: Datenbank-Verbindung stabil.
    27/07/2012 11:56:46: MYSQL: Autohäuser zum Konvertieren gefunden...
    27/07/2012 11:56:46: MYSQL: 8 Autohäuser mit allen dazugehörigen Daten Konvertiert und die veralteten Files gelöscht!
    27/07/2012 11:56:46: MYSQL: Resprayer zum Konvertieren gefunden...
    27/07/2012 11:56:46: MYSQL: 5 Resprayer Konvertiert und die veralteten Files gelöscht!
    27/07/2012 12:17:03: MYSQL: Versuche zum MySql-Server zu Connecten...
    27/07/2012 12:17:03: MYSQL: Datenbank-Verbindung stabil.
    Ich hab mal während den 4 Versuchen die Datenbanken geändert einmal XAMPP und einmal eine externe Nirado datenbank.
    Natürlich hab ich nicht sofort die datenbank geändert sondern erst das abgespeicherte versucht zu laden.
    PS: Deine vorinstalierten Autohäuser resprayer etc. werden auch nicht geladen ... ://
    Danke im vorraus ... :)
    Natürlich hab ich nicht sofort die datenbank geändert sondern erst das abgespeicherte versucht zu laden.

  • Mach mal im Script aus
    //#define Debug
    #define Debug
    dann compilen und neustarten schau dann mal im Hauptordner (der mit der Server_log.txt) und suche dort nach eirner mysql_log.txt, den Logfile den du mir zeigst ist der interne Mysqllog mit dem dateinamen: mysql.log

  • Kleines Problem sind zu viele Zeichen o:
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - There is nothing to store (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Dead Connection)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_retrieve_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::RetrieveRow() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(id) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(SlotId) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Owner) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Preis) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Model) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Color1) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Color2) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(AlarmBuyed) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Locked) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(PJ) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Health) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(DmgPanels) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(DmgDoors) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(DmgLights) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(DmgTires) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component00) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component01) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component02) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component03) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component04) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component05) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component06) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component07) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component08) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component09) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component10) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component11) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component12) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component13) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(PosX) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(PosY) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(PosZ) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(RotZ) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(VW) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Neon) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Numplate) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OPark) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OParkX) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OParkY) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OParkZ) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OParkR) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Connection is dead)
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_real_escape_string( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(RotZ) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(VW) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Neon) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Numplate) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OPark) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OParkX) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OParkY) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OParkZ) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(OParkR) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] Passing query SELECT * FROM `playercars` WHERE `Owner` = '[GsG]TheSnipesZone' AND `SlotId` = '1' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 | siii
    [12:17:11] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `playercars` WHERE `Owner` = '[GsG]TheSnipesZone' AND `SlotId` = '1' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1)
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [12:17:11] Passing query SELECT * FROM `playercars` WHERE `Owner` = '[GsG]TheSnipesZone' AND `SlotId` = '2' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 | siii
    [12:17:11] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `playercars` WHERE `Owner` = '[GsG]TheSnipesZone' AND `SlotId` = '2' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1)
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [12:17:11] Passing query SELECT * FROM `playercars` WHERE `Owner` = '[GsG]TheSnipesZone' AND `SlotId` = '3' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 | siii
    [12:17:11] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `playercars` WHERE `Owner` = '[GsG]TheSnipesZone' AND `SlotId` = '3' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1)
    [12:17:11] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [12:17:49] >> mysql_real_escape_string( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:49] CMySQLHandler::EscapeString([GsG]gido); - Escaped 9 characters to [GsG]gido.
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(AlarmBuyed) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Locked) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(PJ) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Health) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(DmgPanels) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(DmgDoors) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(DmgLights) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(DmgTires) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component00) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component01) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component02) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component03) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component04) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component05) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component06) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component07) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component08) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component09) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component10) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component11) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component12) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Component13) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(PosX) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(PosY) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)
    [12:17:10] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
    [12:17:10] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(PosZ) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

  • [07:16:09]
    [07:16:09] ** MySQL Debugging enabled (07/28/12)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_connect(, ni53699_1_DB, ni53699_1_DB, ******) on port 3306
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - constructor called.
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - Connecting to "" | DB: "ni53699_1_DB" | Username: "ni53699_1_DB"
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_errno( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - The result is already empty.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] Passing query CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `playercars` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `SlotId` int(11), `Owner` varchar(28), `Preis` int(11), `Model` int(4), `Color1` int(4), `Color2` int(4), `AlarmBuyed` tinyint(1), `Locked` tinyint(1), `PJ` int(3), `Health` varchar(30), `DmgPanels` int(11), `DmgDoors` int(11),`DmgLights` int(11), `DmgTires` int(11), `Component00` int(11), `Component01` int(11), `Component02` int(11), `Component03` int(11), `Component04` int(11), `Component05` int(11), `Component06` int(11), `Component07` int(11), `Component08` int(11), `Component09` int(11),`Component10` int(11), `Component11` int(11), `Component12` int(11), `Component13` int(11), `PosX` varchar(40), `PosY` varchar(40), `PosZ` varchar(40), `RotZ` varchar(40), `VW` int(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; | siii
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_errno( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - The result is already empty.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_errno( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - The result is already empty.
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `playercars` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `SlotId` int(11), `Owner` varchar(28), `Preis` int(11), `Model` int(4), `Color1` int(4), `Color2` int(4), `AlarmBuyed` tinyint(1), `Locked` tinyint(1), `PJ` int(3), `Health` varchar(30), `DmgPanels` int(11), `DmgDoors` int(11),`DmgLights` int(11), `DmgTires` int(11), `Component00` int(11), `Component01` int(11), `Component02` int(11), `Component03` int(11), `Component04` int(11), `Component05` int(11), `Component06` int(11), `Component07` int(11), `Component08` int(11), `Component09` int(11),`Component10` int(11), `Component11` int(11), `Component12` int(11), `Component13` int(11), `PosX` varchar(40), `PosY` varchar(40), `PosZ` varchar(40), `RotZ` varchar(40), `VW` int(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Dead Connection)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_fetch_row_format( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FetchRow() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Empty Result)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Dead Connection)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_fetch_row_format( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FetchRow() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Empty Result)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - The result is already empty.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Dead Connection)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_fetch_row_format( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FetchRow() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Empty Result)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - The result is already empty.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Dead Connection)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_fetch_row_format( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FetchRow() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Empty Result)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - The result is already empty.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Dead Connection)
    [07:16:09] >> mysql_fetch_row_format( Connection handle: 1 )
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::FetchRow() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Empty Result)
    [07:16:09] Passing query CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `resprayer` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(40), `PosX` varchar(40), `PosY` varchar(40), `PosZ` varchar(40), `Rot` varchar(40), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; | siii
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `resprayer` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(40), `PosX` varchar(40), `PosY` varchar(40), `PosZ` varchar(40), `Rot` varchar(40), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:09] Passing query CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `seller` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(40), `sIconPosX` varchar(40), `sIconPosY` varchar(40), `sIconPosZ` varchar(40), `sIconRot` varchar(40), `sLVCarPosX` varchar(40), `sLVCarPosY` varchar(40), `sLVCarPosZ` varchar(40), `sLVCarRot` varchar(40), `sLVCamPosX` varchar(40), `sLVCamPosY` varchar(40),`sLVCamPosZ` varchar(40), `sLVPlyPosX` varchar(40), `sLVPlyPosY` varchar(40), `sLVPlyPosZ` varchar(40), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; | siii
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `seller` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(40), `sIconPosX` varchar(40), `sIconPosY` varchar(40), `sIconPosZ` varchar(40), `sIconRot` varchar(40), `sLVCarPosX` varchar(40), `sLVCarPosY` varchar(40), `sLVCarPosZ` varchar(40), `sLVCarRot` varchar(40), `sLVCamPosX` varchar(40), `sLVCamPosY` varchar(40),`sLVCamPosZ` varchar(40), `sLVPlyPosX` varchar(40), `sLVPlyPosY` varchar(40), `sLVPlyPosZ` varchar(40), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:09] Passing query CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sellercars` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Model` int(11), `Preis` int(11), `Cat` int(11), `Sellerid` int(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; | siii
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sellercars` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Model` int(11), `Preis` int(11), `Cat` int(11), `Sellerid` int(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:09] Passing query CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sellerparks` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `PosX` varchar(40), `PosY` varchar(40), `PosZ` varchar(40), `RotZ` varchar(40), `sellerid` int(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; | siii
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sellerparks` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `PosX` varchar(40), `PosY` varchar(40), `PosZ` varchar(40), `RotZ` varchar(40), `sellerid` int(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:09] Passing query CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tuner` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(40), `PosX` varchar(40), `PosY` varchar(40), `PosZ` varchar(40), `Rot` varchar(40), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; | siii
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tuner` (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(40), `PosX` varchar(40), `PosY` varchar(40), `PosZ` varchar(40), `Rot` varchar(40), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:09] Passing query SELECT `Neon` FROM `playercars` | siii
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT `Neon` FROM `playercars`)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [07:16:09] Passing query ALTER TABLE `playercars` ADD `Neon` INT( 3 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' | siii
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
    [07:16:09] Passing query SELECT `Numplate` FROM `playercars` | siii
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT `Numplate` FROM `playercars`)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [07:16:09] Passing query ALTER TABLE `playercars` ADD `Numplate` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL | siii
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
    [07:16:09] Passing query SELECT `OPark` FROM `playercars` | siii
    [07:16:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT `OPark` FROM `playercars`)
    [07:16:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [07:16:10] Passing query ALTER TABLE `playercars` ADD `OPark` BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `OParkX` VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0', ADD `OParkY` VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0', ADD `OParkZ` VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0' | siii
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
    [07:16:10] Passing query SELECT * FROM `seller` | siii
    [07:16:10] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `seller`)
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [07:16:10] Passing query SELECT * FROM `sellercars` | siii
    [07:16:10] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `sellercars`)
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [07:16:10] Passing query SELECT * FROM `sellerparks` | siii
    [07:16:10] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `sellerparks`)
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [07:16:10] Passing query SELECT * FROM `resprayer` | siii
    [07:16:10] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `resprayer`)
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Reconnection attempt in background thread.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
    [07:16:10] Passing query SELECT * FROM `tuner` | siii
    [07:16:10] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `tuner`)
    [07:16:10] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
    Überschrift geändert

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von TheSnipesZone () aus folgendem Grund: Überschrift geändert.

  • G-sTyLeZzZ(Version R7 Windows) weil bei Stickerkid diese Fehlermeldungen kommen:
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(6592) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(6682) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(6694) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(6706) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(6718) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(6730) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(6742) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7007) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7085) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7089) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7117) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7163) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7167) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7195) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7242) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7246) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7281) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7285) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7313) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7363) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7367) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7395) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7908) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7921) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7924) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"
    DT_DynamicCar.pwn(7992) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_query_fix"

  • wenn du kein eigenes Tanksystem hast, kannst du im /dtdcamenu im speedo die tankanzeige ausschalten.

    @ TheSnipesZone:

    Um Stickenkid zu nutzen musst du ein define entklammern. Ich weiss jedoch nicht aus dem kopf wie der define hieß...

  • wenn du kein eigenes Tanksystem hast, kannst du im /dtdcamenu im speedo die tankanzeige ausschalten.

    @ TheSnipesZone:

    Um Stickenkid zu nutzen musst du ein define entklammern. Ich weiss jedoch nicht aus dem kopf wie der define hieß...

    #define MYSQL_StrickenKid So heißt es aba auch wenn ich es ausklammere kommen die Fehlermeldungen

  • Dann musst du dein eigenes Tanksystem bauen. Ein Tankssystem ist noch nicht im Script!

    @ Snipes:
    also hast du jetzt //#define MYSQL_StrickenKid
    und nutzt g-stylzz?

  • Dankeeeeeee 11/10
    2 Fehler hab ich noch gefunden die Tuner funktionieren nicht. Damit mein ich wenn ich in ein Tuner reinfahr verschwindet das Pickup aber mehr passiert dann auch nicht :/ & der 2 ist wenn man ein Resprayer erstelle muss man den Server total neustarten damit er da ist ...
    Aber das Autohaus an sich und das Abschlepp system funktioniert Perfekt :)

  • do.de - Domain-Offensive - Domains für alle und zu super Preisen