Guten Abend,
ich habe ein Problem, sobald ich meinen Server Neustarte über die Konsole mit "gmx" Crash er mir weg, habe auch hier die Crashlog sowie die Server Log.
CodeAlles anzeigen-------------------------- SA-MP Server: 0.3.7-R2 Exception At Address: 0x0049B541 Module: (samp-server.exe) Registers: EAX: 0x024D0000 EBX: 0x0085CD34 ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x00000000 ESI: 0x004792E0 EDI: 0x00000000 EBP: 0x0049B531 ESP: 0x0019FE98 EFLAGS: 0x00010297 Stack: +0000: 0x004AB530 0x0019FF70 0x004AB171 0xFFFFFFFF +0010: 0x0049CD36 0x00000001 0x024D1368 0x024D13C8 +0020: 0x00000094 0x00000006 0x00000002 0x000023F0 +0030: 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +0040: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +0050: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +0060: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +0070: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +0080: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +0090: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +00A0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +00B0: 0x0049CBE2 0x0049CBCA 0x0049CBCA 0x0031D000 +00C0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0xC0000005 0x00000000 +00D0: 0x0019FEB8 0x0019F784 0x0019FFCC 0x0049D298 +00E0: 0x004BA530 0x00000000 0x0019FF94 0x745C8484 +00F0: 0x0031D000 0x745C8460 0x776FEFC4 0x0019FFDC +0100: 0x7752305A 0x0031D000 0x249941CE 0x00000000 +0110: 0x00000000 0x0031D000 0x00000000 0x00000000 +0120: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x249941CE 0x0019FFA0 +0130: 0x00000000 0x0019FFE4 0x77532580 0x53DB4382 -------------------------- Loaded Modules: samp-server.exe A: 0x00400000 - 0x00519000 (C:\Users\Dominik\Desktop\Rubin RolePlay by Innovation-Gaming\samp-server.exe) ntdll.dll A: 0x774C0000 - 0x77650000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll) KERNEL32.DLL A: 0x745B0000 - 0x74690000 (C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL) KERNELBASE.dll A: 0x76AF0000 - 0x76CD4000 (C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll) SHELL32.dll A: 0x74690000 - 0x759DA000 (C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll) msvcrt.dll A: 0x74030000 - 0x740EF000 (C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll) cfgmgr32.dll A: 0x768D0000 - 0x76909000 (C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll) ucrtbase.dll A: 0x761C0000 - 0x762DE000 (C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll) shcore.dll A: 0x77150000 - 0x771D8000 (C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll) RPCRT4.dll A: 0x76A30000 - 0x76AF0000 (C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll) SspiCli.dll A: 0x73D80000 - 0x73DA0000 (C:\Windows\System32\SspiCli.dll) CRYPTBASE.dll A: 0x73D70000 - 0x73D7A000 (C:\Windows\System32\CRYPTBASE.dll) bcryptPrimitives.dll A: 0x743D0000 - 0x74428000 (C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll) sechost.dll A: 0x74190000 - 0x741D4000 (C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll) combase.dll A: 0x76EF0000 - 0x7714C000 (C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll) A: 0x76310000 - 0x768C9000 (C:\Windows\System32\ advapi32.dll A: 0x76910000 - 0x76988000 (C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll) shlwapi.dll A: 0x76D30000 - 0x76D75000 (C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll) GDI32.dll A: 0x762E0000 - 0x76302000 (C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll) gdi32full.dll A: 0x77260000 - 0x773C4000 (C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll) msvcp_win.dll A: 0x74430000 - 0x744AD000 (C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll) USER32.dll A: 0x73E80000 - 0x7400D000 (C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll) win32u.dll A: 0x76140000 - 0x76157000 (C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll) kernel.appcore.dll A: 0x740F0000 - 0x740FF000 (C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll) profapi.dll A: 0x74010000 - 0x74028000 (C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll) powrprof.dll A: 0x76160000 - 0x761A5000 (C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll) FLTLIB.DLL A: 0x76D80000 - 0x76D88000 (C:\Windows\System32\FLTLIB.DLL) WSOCK32.dll A: 0x72C40000 - 0x72C48000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll) WS2_32.dll A: 0x771E0000 - 0x77247000 (C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll) WINMM.dll A: 0x724A0000 - 0x724C4000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll) winmmbase.dll A: 0x72470000 - 0x72493000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winmmbase.dll) IMM32.DLL A: 0x741E0000 - 0x74206000 (C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL) MSVCP100.dll A: 0x6AD90000 - 0x6ADF9000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP100.dll) MSVCR100.dll A: 0x6ACD0000 - 0x6AD8F000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCR100.dll) mysql.dll A: 0x6AC80000 - 0x6ACCE000 (C:\Users\Dominik\Desktop\Rubin RolePlay by Innovation-Gaming\plugins\mysql.dll) libmariadb.dll A: 0x6A620000 - 0x6A6ED000 (C:\Users\Dominik\Desktop\Rubin RolePlay by Innovation-Gaming\libmariadb.dll) log-core.dll A: 0x6AC60000 - 0x6AC7A000 (C:\Users\Dominik\Desktop\Rubin RolePlay by Innovation-Gaming\log-core.dll) VCRUNTIME140.dll A: 0x6AC40000 - 0x6AC55000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll) MSVCP140.dll A: 0x6A5A0000 - 0x6A611000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140.dll) CRYPT32.dll A: 0x75A00000 - 0x75B96000 (C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll) MSASN1.dll A: 0x761B0000 - 0x761BE000 (C:\Windows\System32\MSASN1.dll) Secur32.dll A: 0x70EB0000 - 0x70EBA000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll) napinsp.dll A: 0x693C0000 - 0x693D1000 (C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll) pnrpnsp.dll A: 0x693A0000 - 0x693B6000 (C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll) NLAapi.dll A: 0x69380000 - 0x69393000 (C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll) mswsock.dll A: 0x72390000 - 0x723E6000 (C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll) DNSAPI.dll A: 0x70F70000 - 0x70FFE000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll) NSI.dll A: 0x76A20000 - 0x76A27000 (C:\Windows\System32\NSI.dll) IPHLPAPI.DLL A: 0x72360000 - 0x72390000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL) winrnr.dll A: 0x69370000 - 0x6937C000 (C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll) rasadhlp.dll A: 0x70EC0000 - 0x70EC8000 (C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll) sscanf.dll A: 0x10000000 - 0x1000E000 (C:\Users\Dominik\Desktop\Rubin RolePlay by Innovation-Gaming\plugins\sscanf.dll) streamer.dll A: 0x63120000 - 0x63187000 (C:\Users\Dominik\Desktop\Rubin RolePlay by Innovation-Gaming\plugins\streamer.dll) TDE.dll A: 0x6AC20000 - 0x6AC3B000 (C:\Users\Dominik\Desktop\Rubin RolePlay by Innovation-Gaming\plugins\TDE.dll) MSVCR100D.dll A: 0x62FA0000 - 0x63112000 (C:\Users\Dominik\Desktop\Rubin RolePlay by Innovation-Gaming\MSVCR100D.dll) bcrypt.dll A: 0x70EF0000 - 0x70F09000 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll)
CodeAlles anzeigenServer_Log: [16:13:12] Number of vehicle models: 2 Console input: gmx [16:13:41] [OnGameModeExit]: Die MySQL Verbindung wurde Unterbrochen! [16:13:41] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error [16:13:41] [debug] Native backtrace: [16:13:41] [debug] #0 004792fa in ?? () in samp-server.exe [16:13:41] [debug] #1 63166f17 in ?? () in plugins\streamer.dll [16:13:41] [debug] #2 00469a66 in ?? () in samp-server.exe [16:13:41] [debug] #3 0048d4db in ?? () in samp-server.exe [16:13:41] [debug] #4 0049b531 in ?? () in samp-server.exe [16:13:41] [debug] #5 0049b541 in ?? () in samp-server.exe [16:13:41] [debug] Registers: [16:13:41] [debug] EAX: 024d0000 EBX: 0085cd34 ECX: 00000000 EDX: 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESI: 004792e0 EDI: 00000000 EBP: 0049b531 ESP: 0019fe98 [16:13:41] [debug] EIP: 0049b541 EFLAGS: 00010297 [16:13:41] [debug] Stack: [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000000: 004ab530 0019ff70 004ab171 ffffffff [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000020: 00000094 00000006 00000002 000023f0 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000080: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000000a0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000000c0: 00000000 00000000 c0000005 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000000e0: 004ba530 00000000 0019ff94 745c8484 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000100: 7752305a 0031d000 249941ce 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000120: 00000000 00000000 249941ce 0019ffa0 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000140: 00000000 0019ffec 7752302a ffffffff [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000160: 0031d000 00000000 78746341 00000020 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000180: 00000020 00000000 00000014 00000001 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000001a0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000001c0: 00000044 000002e0 0000025c 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000001e0: 00000342 00000000 2d59495b 000008cc [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000200: 32ceeacd 00000bfc 00000042 00000c40 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000220: 0000005e 00000fd0 00000362 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000240: 00000392 00000010 00000009 000000ec [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000260: 00000001 00000002 00001758 000007a0 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000280: 00000001 00000004 00002d84 00000314 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000002a0: 00000002 00000006 00003130 000000cc [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000002c0: 00000001 00000009 000032ec 00000028 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000002e0: 00000001 64487353 0000002c 00000001 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000300: 00000001 000015a4 0000002c 0000005e [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000320: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000340: 00000038 00000000 003a0043 0057005c [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000360: 006e0069 00780053 005c0073 00000000 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+00000380: 0000025c 00000001 f33271ba 000003c0 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000003a0: 2d59495b 00000750 00000032 00000784 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000003c0: 00000042 00000ac4 00000330 00000004 [16:13:41] [debug] ESP+000003e0: 00000362 00000005 b1280544 000011b8 [16:13:41] [debug] Loaded modules: [16:13:41] [debug] 00400000 - 00519000 samp-server.exe [16:13:41] [debug] 774c0000 - 77650000 ntdll.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 745b0000 - 74690000 KERNEL32.DLL [16:13:41] [debug] 76af0000 - 76cd4000 KERNELBASE.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 74690000 - 759da000 SHELL32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 74030000 - 740ef000 msvcrt.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 768d0000 - 76909000 cfgmgr32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 761c0000 - 762de000 ucrtbase.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 77150000 - 771d8000 shcore.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 76a30000 - 76af0000 RPCRT4.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 73d80000 - 73da0000 SspiCli.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 73d70000 - 73d7a000 CRYPTBASE.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 743d0000 - 74428000 bcryptPrimitives.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 74190000 - 741d4000 sechost.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 76ef0000 - 7714c000 combase.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 76310000 - 768c9000 [16:13:41] [debug] 76910000 - 76988000 advapi32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 76d30000 - 76d75000 shlwapi.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 762e0000 - 76302000 GDI32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 77260000 - 773c4000 gdi32full.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 74430000 - 744ad000 msvcp_win.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 73e80000 - 7400d000 USER32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 76140000 - 76157000 win32u.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 740f0000 - 740ff000 kernel.appcore.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 74010000 - 74028000 profapi.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 76160000 - 761a5000 powrprof.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 76d80000 - 76d88000 FLTLIB.DLL [16:13:41] [debug] 72c40000 - 72c48000 WSOCK32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 771e0000 - 77247000 WS2_32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 724a0000 - 724c4000 WINMM.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 72470000 - 72493000 winmmbase.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 741e0000 - 74206000 IMM32.DLL [16:13:41] [debug] 6ae00000 - 6ae51000 crashdetect.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 6ad90000 - 6adf9000 MSVCP100.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 6acd0000 - 6ad8f000 MSVCR100.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 6ac80000 - 6acce000 mysql.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 6a620000 - 6a6ed000 libmariadb.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 6ac60000 - 6ac7a000 log-core.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 6ac40000 - 6ac55000 VCRUNTIME140.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 6a5a0000 - 6a611000 MSVCP140.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 75a00000 - 75b96000 CRYPT32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 761b0000 - 761be000 MSASN1.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 70eb0000 - 70eba000 Secur32.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 693c0000 - 693d1000 napinsp.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 693a0000 - 693b6000 pnrpnsp.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 69380000 - 69393000 NLAapi.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 72390000 - 723e6000 mswsock.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 70f70000 - 70ffe000 DNSAPI.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 76a20000 - 76a27000 NSI.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 72360000 - 72390000 IPHLPAPI.DLL [16:13:41] [debug] 69370000 - 6937c000 winrnr.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 70ec0000 - 70ec8000 rasadhlp.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 10000000 - 1000e000 sscanf.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 63120000 - 63187000 streamer.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 6ac20000 - 6ac3b000 TDE.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 62fa0000 - 63112000 MSVCR100D.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 718a0000 - 718ef000 fwpuclnt.dll [16:13:41] [debug] 70ef0000 - 70f09000 bcrypt.dll
Zeig uns doch mal OnGameModeExit.