[oPAWN] PAWN Syntax Highlight

  • Willst du jetzt, dass wir die alle sachen sagen auch sowas wie "" oder ; ?
    Mit oder ohne farbe

    "Imagine if the government went after corruption as hard as it goes after guys who run filesharing sites. Priorities. " - @Snowden
    "More worrying than FBI temporarily running a server that contained child porn, is hacking computers anywhere in the world with one warrant" - @josephfcox

  • H4rd_B4se:

    + continue;

    "Imagine if the government went after corruption as hard as it goes after guys who run filesharing sites. Priorities. " - @Snowden
    "More worrying than FBI temporarily running a server that contained child porn, is hacking computers anywhere in the world with one warrant" - @josephfcox

  • Direkt aus PawnStar.
    Hoffe du kannst damit was anfangen^^

    Kostenlose Pawno Alternative / PAWN IDE -> PawnStar
    Mass Effect