Kann jemand einen neuen Download link erstellen? mit dem Script?

pRP Edit Download!
Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte ändert nicht manuell die Schriftfarbe auf schwarz sondern belasst es bei der Standardeinstellung. Somit tragt ihr dazu bei dass euer Text auch bei Verwendung unseren dunklen Forenstils noch lesbar ist!
Tipp: Ihr wollt längere Codeausschnitte oder Logfiles bereitstellen? Benutzt unseren eigenen PasteBin-Dienst Link
Kann jemand einen neuen Download link erstellen? mit dem Script?
Auf Seite 25 zu finden.
https://www.file-upload.net/do…1968894/pRP_Edit.rar.html -
Wie kann ich das local auf meinem PC laufen lassen?
Die Datenbank gibt sonst nur errors aus, was muss ich da ändern? -
Über Xamp mehr support unter:
Teamspeak : Levo
wie kann ich mir admin rechte geben? bzw. projektleiter
Das kannst du über die Datenbank machen die du von mir bereitgestellt bekommst.
wie kann ich mir admin rechte geben? bzw. projektleiter
Oder /setaadmin
befehle wie /setadmin oder /makeadmin stehen zwar unter /ahelp aber mann kann sie sonst im script nicht finden muss ich jetzt jeden user über die datenbank in eine fraktion tuhen ?
ich gib dir mal den command: /setaadmin
Alles anzeigenCOMMAND:setaadmin(playerid,params[]) { if(ImTutorial[playerid] != 0)return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_ROT,""ACCINFO"Du hast keine erlaubnis diesen Befehl benutzen zu drüfen."); if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"Eingeloggt") == 0)return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,""ACCINFO"Du bist nicht eingeloggt!"); if(Spieler[playerid][pAWAYFROMKEYBOARD] == 1)return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,"Du bist im AFK-Modus und kannst somit keine Befehle nutzen."),SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,""#HTML_BLAU"Verwendung:"#HTML_WEISS" /back"); new pID,string[260],adminlvl; if(isPlayerAnAdmin(playerid,6)) { if(sscanf(params,"ui",pID,adminlvl))return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,""#HTML_BLAU"Benutze:"#HTML_WEISS"/setadmin [playerid/Name][Adminlevel]"); if(adminlvl<0||adminlvl>7)return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,""#HTML_BLAU"Benutze:"#HTML_WEISS"/setadmin [playerid/Name][Adminlevel]"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(pID))return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,"Der angegebene Spieler ist nicht eingeloggt!"); if(GetPVarInt(pID,"Eingeloggt") == 0)return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,"Der angegebene Spieler ist nicht eingeloggt!"); if(IsPlayerNPC(pID))return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,"Das kannst du nicht!"); if(Spieler[pID][pAdmin] == adminlvl)return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,"Spieler besitzt bereits das angegebene Adminlevel!"); Spieler[pID][pAdmin] = adminlvl; switch(Spieler[pID][pAdmin]) { case 0: { if(Spieler[playerid][pAdminOnduty] == true) { Delete3DTextLabel(AdminDuty_3DText[playerid]); Spieler[playerid][pAdminOnduty] = false; SetPlayerName(playerid,Spieler[playerid][pName]); SetPlayerScore(playerid,GetPlayerLevel(playerid)); if(Spieler[playerid][pMaske] == 1 && Spieler[playerid][pFraktion] != 6) { SetPlayerScore(playerid,random(50) + 122); format(string,sizeof(string),"Unbekannter(%i)",random(50) + 122); SetPlayerName(playerid,string); } if(Spieler[playerid][pDuty] == 4 && Spieler[playerid][pFraktion] != 6) { SetPlayerScore(playerid,random(50) + 122); format(string,24,"SWAT%i",random(50) + 122); SetPlayerName(playerid,string); } if(Spieler[playerid][pDuty] == 4 && Spieler[playerid][pFraktion] == 6 && Spieler[playerid][pMaske] == 1) { SetPlayerScore(playerid,random(50) + 122); format(string,24,"SEAL%i",random(50) + 122); SetPlayerName(playerid,string); } if(Spieler[playerid][pDuty] == 5 && Spieler[playerid][pFraktion] == 6 && Spieler[playerid][pMaske] == 1) { SetPlayerScore(playerid,random(50) + 122); format(string,24,"RANGER%i",random(50) + 122); SetPlayerName(playerid,string); } } } } format(string,sizeof(string),""AC" Der Admin %s (ID:%i) hat dir soeben das Adminlevel %s[%i] zugewiesen.",Spieler[playerid][pName],playerid,Adminrang(pID),Spieler[pID][pAdmin]); SendClientMessage(pID,GRUEN,string); format(string,sizeof(string),"Du hast dem Spieler %s (ID:%i) soeben das Adminlevel %s[%i] zugewiesen.",Spieler[pID][pName],pID,Adminrang(pID),Spieler[pID][pAdmin]); SendClientMessage(playerid,SORBLAU,string); SaveAccount(pID); return 1; } return SendClientMessage(playerid,SAMP_WEISS,""ERROR"Du hast nicht den Rang dazu!"); }
jo habe es jetzt aber hat jemand eine ucp der zum pRP script passt ? oder mir eins umschreiben kann
Hey Leute,
hat jemand zufällig die entbuggtes datenbank.sql?
Ich wollte meinem Kollegen was gutes tun und das Script für ihn Editieren nur bei ihm geht die Datenbank nicht.
Aber in den Server Logs zeigt er nicht ans wegen Datenbank FelherCode
Alles anzeigen[07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1146) Table 'db_1114_1.server_race' doesn't exist [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("NextFreeHousekey") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Hey Leute,
hat jemand zufällig die entbuggtes datenbank.sql?
Ich wollte meinem Kollegen was gutes tun und das Script für ihn Editieren nur bei ihm geht die Datenbank nicht.
Aber in den Server Logs zeigt er nicht ans wegen Datenbank FelherCode
Alles anzeigen[07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1146) Table 'db_1114_1.server_race' doesn't exist [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('2') [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("NextFreeHousekey") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("GSKILLS") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakMembers") [07:51:28] [WARNING] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName - field not found ("FrakLimit") [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [07:51:28] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[MySQL_Query_Deklarierung2] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Da dieses leider schon veraltet ist, solltest du dir dieses mal anschauen und vielleicht runterladen: Veröffentlichung • Westside Stories Script
Dieses Script basiert auf pRP Edit.
Ich habe eine etwas neuere Datenbank erstellt aber die gebe ich nur Privat weiter melde dich per pn bei mir!
Teamspeak :
-mfg Levo -
Ist bei der Datenbank mittlerweile Fraktionskassen und Gangwar Gebiete und so gespeichert?
Habe folgendes Problem.
es gibt keine Die Sekte map und San News Base gibt es nicht hat jemand die Codes dafür?
wäre nett wenn ihr es per Konversation zukommen lässt oder hier drunter schreibt.
Awayus -
@Awayus Die Interiors der Fraktionen exestieren noch wenn ich mich daran erinnere. Du kannst dir doch eine Base mappen oder mappen lassen oder eine vorhandene Base suchen musst halt dann nur die Coordinaten der Pickups dort ändern lassen bin zwar eine Niete im Scripten aber das ist eigentlich sehr leicht solltest du trotzdem hilfe benötigen sende mir einfach eine Pn.
Wie gibt man sich Ingame den Rang "Projektleiter" ? in der Datenbank finde ich keine Information zu "Spielern" über "FileZilla" gibt es auch keine Spieler Information worüber man einen Spieler Admin Rang geben kann.
Bitte um HilfeMit freundlichen Grüßen,
Grabanov -
Wozu in der Datenbank das ganze befindet sich in der pwm datei.
Wo finde Ich diese pwm datei. ?