So bin gerade dabei eine C Header Datei so umzuschreiben so dass ich Sie als Include fuer PAWN nutzen kann.
Jedoch finde ich kein PAWN Aequivalent fuer "extern"
Kennt da jemand was?
Habe weiterhin vor double durch float zu ersetzen
#define _COMPLEX_H
/* COMPLEX.H header file
* use for complex arithmetic in C
(part of them are from "C Tools for Scientists and Engineers" by L. Baker)
extern double cos(double);
extern double sin(double);
struct __COMPLEX{ double x,y; };
typedef struct __COMPLEX COMPLEX;
/* for below, X, Y are complex structures, and one is returned */
/*//real part of the complex multiplication */
#define CMULTR(X,Y) ((X).x*(Y).x-(X).y*(Y).y)
/*//image part of the complex multiplication */
#define CMULTI(X,Y) ((X).y*(Y).x+(X).x*(Y).y)
/*// used in the Division : real part of the division */
#define CDRN(X,Y) ((X).x*(Y).x+(Y).y*(X).y)
/*// used in the Division : image part of the division */
#define CDIN(X,Y) ((X).y*(Y).x-(X).x*(Y).y)
/*// used in the Division : denumerator of the division */
#define CNORM(X) ((X).x*(X).x+(X).y*(X).y)
/*//real part of the complex */
#define CREAL(X) ((double)((X).x))
/*//conjunction value */
#define CONJG(z,X) {(z).x=(X).x;(z).y= -(X).y;}
/*//conjunction value */
#define CONJ(X) {(X).y= -(X).y;}
/*//muliply : z could not be same variable as X or Y, same rule for other Macro */
#define CMULT(z,X,Y) {(z).x=CMULTR((X),(Y));(z).y=CMULTI((X),(Y));}
/*//division */
#define CDIV(z,X,Y){double d=CNORM(Y); (z).x=CDRN(X,Y)/d; (z).y=CDIN(X,Y)/d;}
/*//addition */
#define CADD(z,X,Y) {(z).x=(X).x+(Y).x;(z).y=(X).y+(Y).y;}
/*//subtraction */
#define CSUB(z,X,Y) {(z).x=(X).x-(Y).x;(z).y=(X).y-(Y).y;}
/*//assign */
#define CLET(to,from) {(to).x=(from).x;(to).y=(from).y;}
/*//abstract value(magnitude) */
#define cabs(X) sqrt((X).y*(X).y+(X).x*(X).x)
/*//real to complex */
#define CMPLX(X,real,imag) {(X).x=(real);(X).y=(imag);}
/*//multiply with real */
#define CTREAL(z,X,real) {(z).x=(X).x*(real);(z).y=(X).y*(real);}
#define CEXP(z,phase) {(z).x = cos(phase); (z).y = sin(phase); }
/* implementation using function : for compatibility */
COMPLEX compexp(double theta);
COMPLEX compmult(double scalar,COMPLEX compnum);
COMPLEX compprod(COMPLEX compnum1, COMPLEX compnum2);
COMPLEX comp2sum(COMPLEX summand1, COMPLEX summand2);
COMPLEX comp3sum(COMPLEX summand1, COMPLEX summand2, COMPLEX summand3);
COMPLEX compsubtract(COMPLEX complexA, COMPLEX complexB);
double REAL(COMPLEX compnum);
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